Restarting a student's pathway in Imagine Math 3+

If a student has rushed through or struggled with the lessons in a pathway or they need remedial work, the pathway can be restarted by a Teacher or Administrator. The student will start again at the beginning of the pathway and will repeat the lessons they've already completed. 


The student will not lose any THINK Points they have earned for work already done in the pathway. 

To restart a student's pathway:

  1. Log in to Imagine Math.
  2. If you are a District Administrator or Customer Administrator, click Schools in the Management section of the left navigation pane. 
    Click Classes to the right of the applicable school and then go to step 4.

  3. If you are a School Administrator or Teacher, click Classrooms in the Management section of the left navigation pane. 


  4. Click Current Students in the class containing the student whose pathway you want to restart.


  5. Locate the applicable student. If you don't see your student listed, check the Active/Inactive drop-down to make sure you are working with active students. 


  6. Click restart next to the applicable pathway.
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  7. Click OK in the Confirm Action window.
  8. You will receive a confirmation message at the top of the screen. 


  9. The student is prompted to start the pathway upon their next login. Their Lesson Progress section is reset on their Home tab.