Students are automatically assigned a grade-level pathway when their account is created each school year. Students' performance on the Embedded or NWEA assessment adds prerequisite/remediation lessons to their pathways as needed.
Educators can only assign additional pathways or alternate pathways to Imagine Math 3+ students. Students in Imagine Math PreK-2 must work on the pathway assigned to them by the program.
Browsing Pathways
Teachers and Administrators can peruse the list of available pathways in Imagine Math 3+ by going to Content > Learning Pathways. Use the Pathway Type filter to view lessons applicable to your geographic location, the Common Core pathways only, or all pathways. You can also filter by Grade Level.
Click on the name of a pathway to view the lessons in it.
Click the name of a lesson to view more details such as the standards and Quantile measures.
From this page you can also preview a lesson.
Read more about previewing a lesson starting on step 6 of this article.
Keep reading to learn more about the pathways for Grades 3 - 8 and High School.
Grade 3 - 8 Pathways
Even though pathways can only be assigned to students using Imagine Math 3+, some pathways are available at Grade 1 and 2 levels for students who need extra practice to achieve grade-level proficiency. These pathways cannot be assigned to students in Grades 1 and 2.
The main types of pathways are the state pathways and the Common Core (CCSC) pathways. You will also see:
Pathway Type | Description | Grade Levels |
Advantage Math | Imagine Math lessons have been aligned to appropriate lessons in the Advantage Math series distributed by Creative Teaching Press. Students can use Imagine Math to reinforce and build upon the foundation provided in this program. | 3-6 |
Amplified Review | Ensure grade-level success beyond the precursor lessons already in place. Available for grades 3-12, these pathways review major work from the previous grade and contain about 10-12 lessons per grade (about 5 weeks' worth of instructional content). Students who do not need to ramp-up to grade-level content test out via pre-quiz, so the pathway is only completed by those students who "test into" Amplified Review. | 3-8, Algebra 1, High School Geometry, High School Math 1, High School Math 2 |
Big Ideas Math: Common Core 2014 | Aligned to the sequence of topics and lessons in the Big Ideas Math: Common Core ©2014 series, Imagine Math helps take students to the next step in their mathematical journey by providing supplemental instruction. | 2-8 |
Bridges | Aligned to the instructional sequence of the Bridges in Mathematics program, Imagine Math provides supplemental lessons that guide students toward success. Students use Imagine Math to reinforce and build upon the knowledge they’ve attained during the current grade coursework. | 2-5 |
CCSC Common Core | Imagine Math lessons have been closely aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics as appropriate. Students receive grade-level support to advance their conceptual understanding. | 1-8, all high school pathways |
CMP3 | Imagine Math engages students in sophisticated problem-solving and mathematical questioning, much like the Connected Mathematics Program from Michigan State University. Through Imagine Math, students engage with content similar to what they see in their textbooks. | 6-8 |
CPM (College Preparatory Mathematics) | Much like the College Preparatory Mathematics program, Imagine Math engages students in problem-solving and thought-provoking offline tasks, including student journaling. Teachers can use the products side-by-side to encourage students in their learning pathways throughout the school year. | 6-8, Algebra I, Geometry, Math I and Math II |
Eureka/Engage (NY) | Imagine Math is aligned with the Eureka Math curriculum from Great Minds. Students engage with problems similar to what they encounter in their text, and teachers can view student progress in key mathematical ideas via the Imagine Math reports. | 2-8, Algebra 1, Geometry |
Everyday Math | Using the scope and sequence from the Everyday Mathematics curriculum, Imagine Math lessons support what students learn from this core program. Students encounter similar items presented in similar ways to what they see in their textbooks every day. | 2-6 |
HMH GO Math | Imagine Math provides support for the mathematical topics found in the HMH Go Math program. Additionally, Imagine Math offers corresponding lesson support as students advance through the program. | 2-8 |
Illustrative Math | Matched to the learning sequence in the Illustrative Mathematics program, Imagine Math provides supporting lessons for the curriculum. Students encounter practice and guided learning opportunities aligned with the skills they’re learning in their core program. | 2-8, Algebra, Geometry |
NWEA Pathways |
For schools/districts using the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment as their assessment provider. Depending on the pathway configuration selected, Imagine Math 3+ students will receive a grade-level pathway only or a grade-level pathway along with domain-specific RIT pathways.
The NWEA pathways can also be assigned manually for schools not using NWEA. |
1-8, Algebra 1, High School Geometry, High School Math 1, High School Math 2 |
Savvas enVisionmath 2.0: Common Core Edition ©2016 | Imagine Math is aligned to the scope and sequence found in one of the nation’s most widely used Mathematics programs, enVisionmath. Teachers can assign a pathway that is designed for the major work in the program as called for in the CCSS. | 2-8, Algebra 1, Geometry |
State-specific pathways | If your state offers its own pathways, they will be listed in your Pathway Type filter at the top of the page. You will be unable to see other states' pathways; you will only have visibility into the state pathways for your assigned district. | varies |
Summer Pathways | Aligned with Common Core and state standards, these pathways review key math skills for the grade level the students have just finished, to prepare them for the grade level they will enter after the summer. | 3-8, Algebra 1, High School Geometry, High School Math 1, High School Math 2 |
SAT and ACT |
Designed to prepare students for the college-entrance SAT and ACT, they are available in any state that uses the Common Core, along with FL, LA, NC, NY, OK, and TX. |
ACT available for CCSS ACT Pathway in Algebra 1; |
High School Pathways
Imagine Math's High School pathways above 8th grade are defined in the table below.
Imagine Math 3+ has content for Algebra 1, Geometry, HS Math 1, and HS Math 2. These offerings equate to what is typical for Grades 9 and 10.
While there is not content for Trigonometry (Trig), Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, or Statistics — which are typically the courses for Grades 11 and 12 — the SAT/ACT and Texas TSI pathways are options for students in Grades 11 and 12.
High School Pathway Type | Description or Definition |
Algebra Readiness | Prepare students for Algebra I or an integrated high school math course. The Pathway lessons include foundation concepts for high school courses and are identical to the Grade 8 Pathway. |
Algebra I | Pathways are comparable to a traditional Algebra I course. Students gain and broaden their understanding of linear and exponential relationships and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. |
High School Geometry | Pathways are a traditional Geometry course. Students explore complex geometric situations and gain an understanding of geometric relationships. |
High School Math I (Common Core ONLY) | Pathways are the first of the integrated High School math courses, which include a composite of numbers, algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. Students broaden their understanding of linear relationships while applying properties and theorems involving congruent figures. |
High School Math II (Common Core ONLY) |
The second of the integrated high school math courses with a combination of numbers, algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. Students focus on quadratics, real and complex numbers, probability and data, and right triangle trigonometry. |