Using the teacher dashboard in Imagine Math

Teachers arrive at the teacher dashboard after logging into Imagine Math.

The left navigation bar offers links to reports, account management, pathway content, and motivation information.

The main portion of the dashboard contains summarized information on how your students are performing. From each section, a.k.a. "widget," you can drill down into more detail.

math teacher dashboard.png

This table defines each section of the dashboard. Links to more specific Help Center articles for each feature are included when applicable.

Page Component Description
A. Left navigation bar

Links to reports:

Links to Management:

Links to Content:

Links to Motivation:

B. Program selector

If your students are also using Imagine Math Facts, you can navigate to it here.
programs selector.png

C. Student Data Export

Export your data as a CSV file.

D. Account management menu

From here, you can view and change information about your account and log out of the program. Click Profile if you want to change your password, name, or email.
profile and logout.png

E. Class selector

By default, the dashboard is comprised of data from all of your classes combined. If you want to view data for only a specific class, choose a class by clicking the arrow next to All Students and then clicking on the name of the class you want. The Usage and Benchmark widgets will update accordingly.
class selector.png

F. Activity Feed 

Recent student actions are listed here for you. You can like and comment on an event and students will see your feedback when they log in to their account. 
like and comment.png

G. Usage widget

Provides an at-a-glance view of student usage in terms of lessons attempted so far this school year as well as students' average weekly math time, broken down by school versus home and also combined.

Click the arrow in the widget's header to be taken to the Usage report

H. Benchmark widget

View the count of students who have taken each Benchmark as well as the count and percentage of students who scored in each grade-level classification. (Hover over a portion of the bar graph to view these details).
hover over benchmark.png

Click the arrow in the widget's header to be taken to the Benchmark report.

I. Leaderboards

Provides a list of top students by number of Lessons Passed (since the beginning of the school year) or by number of Think Points (resets weekly, and just for students in Imagine Math 3+).

J. Charities

View your students' total charitable donations so far this school year, listed charity by charity. Imagine Math 3+ students give to charities by donating their Think Points, which Imagine Learning converts to dollars.

K. Classroom goals

Any goals you've created for your class(es) will display here. Imagine Math 3+ students can contribute to a classroom goal by donating their Think Points.

L. Contests

Flyers for any available contests display in this widget. Click the arrow in the widget's header to learn more.

M. Resource Center

Click the question mark to visit the Resource Center.

To return back to the dashboard at any time, click Home in the top left corner.