Checking student completion status for the Imagine Math Benchmark


This article does not apply to students taking the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment.

As your students begin a Benchmark, you can check their testing completion status. Teachers can check the status of students who are assigned to them and School Administrators can check the status of any student in their school. 


District Administrators and Customer Administrators do not have access to the Benchmark Roster needed to check students' testing status.

From the Benchmark Roster

You can check the Benchmark Roster to see if a student has started the Benchmark.

  1. Log in to Imagine Math.
  2. In the Management portion of the left navigation bar, click Benchmark Roster.


  3. As applicable: Use the Teacher and/or Classroom drop-down menus at the top of the page to find the class whose Benchmark status you wish to view. You can also search for a specific student by typing their name in the Search box.

    Drop-down menus for School Administrators:
    An additional Classroom drop-down menu appears once you make a selection in the Teacher menu.

    Drop-down menus for Teachers:
  4. You will be able to tell if a student is currently taking the Benchmark if you see the label Started underneath the applicable Benchmark. Students who are finished with the Benchmark show a status of Completed, and students who have yet to begin display as Not Started. Benchmark start and end dates also display as applicable.


    Benchmark scoring and results can take up to 3 hours to process.

From the Imagine Math PreK-2 Student's Account

When a student is taking the Benchmark assessment in Imagine Math PreK-2, the Test in Progress indicator appears at the top of their screen. If the student has their account set to Spanish, Examen en Curso displays instead. 


From the Imagine Math 3+ Student's Account

When a student is taking the Benchmark assessment in Imagine Math 3+, the word Benchmark appears in the item description at the top of the screen.