Using NWEA™ with Imagine Math

If your organization has set up NWEA™ to share MAP® Growth Assessment scores with Imagine Learning, Imagine Math places your students in their correct learning pathway(s) in the program based upon NWEA MAP RIT score ranges that have been mapped to Imagine Math instructional content.

Imagine Math uses the student's most recent scores (as far back as last semester quantified as 6 months) to place students in their grade-level pathways with any prerequisite lessons deemed necessary based on their test results. For Imagine Math 3+ students, this entails assigning the Imagine Math 3+ rostered grade-level pathway and possibly also NWEA domain-specific pathways to the studentsOnce a student is placed in their pathway(s), they receive targeted math instruction to remediate any skill gaps identified by the NWEA MAP Growth Assessment.


Imagine Math PreK-2 does not support the creation of custom pathways. Therefore, unlike in Imagine Math 3+, there are no additional domain-specific RIT pathways to supplement the default instructional grade-level pathway. Imagine Math PreK-2 students only have one assigned pathway at a time.  In reports, this will be called the PreK-2 Pathway. 

Upon initial login, if students have not taken the MAP Growth Assessment within the last 6 months, the student experience is as follows:

  K-2 students Receive an introductory lesson on program navigation and then start on the first Imagine Math PreK-2 lesson for their assigned (rostered) grade level. 
  3+ students Begin working on the default grade-level pathway for their rostered grade.

NWEA students don't take the Imagine Math Benchmark, as non-NWEA students do. This allows NWEA students to begin using Imagine Math with no access barriers. 


NWEA is unavailable for PreK students. PreK students will take the Embedded Benchmark.

Once students finish the Growth Assessment and Imagine Learning receives the scores from NWEA (within 1 to 2 business days), student pathways will be adjusted if necessary. This process repeats with every new NWEA MAP score that Imagine Learning receives throughout the year.

Students using the NWEA MAP auto-integration are still listed in the Benchmark report and the Benchmark Roster within Imagine Math. However, NWEA MAP Growth Assessment scores do not display directly in Imagine Math. To view the scores, log in to NWEA from within Imagine Math as instructed below.

To access students' NWEA MAP Growth Assessment Scores:

  1. Log in to Imagine Math.


    If your NWEA integration has been established, you will see the NWEA label to the right of your school name on the dashboard. If you do not see this, please contact Imagine Learning

  2. Click the Go to NWEA button in the Benchmark section of your dashboard. 



    Districts with some grade levels using NWEA and other grade levels using the Imagine Math Benchmark will have a slightly different Benchmark section than shown above, which is for NWEA-only users. If your district uses both assessment providers, look for the link to NWEA at the top of the Benchmark section rather than the bottom.

  3. The system will take you to the NWEA login screen. Log in there using your NWEA password and credentials, which may be different from your Imagine Math credentials. 


You must be an NWEA Curriculum Administrator to access the NWEA District Dashboard. If you need assistance from NWEA, contact them at 866-654-3246 or visit