Assigning and unassigning Benchmark tests in Imagine Math


This article applies only to students using the embedded Imagine Math Benchmarks. The information in this article does not apply to students taking the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment.


The actions in this article can be taken by Teachers and School Administrators. District Administrators and Customer Administrators do not have access to the Benchmark Roster needed to perform these actions.

Benchmark 1

For students taking the Imagine Math Embedded Benchmarks, Benchmark 1 is automatically assigned and cannot be unassigned. In the Benchmark Roster, it will show as either Not Started, Started, or Completed. Started and Completed Benchmarks can be reassigned if you believe the student's score does not accurately represent their ability and you'd like them to retake the assessment.
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Benchmarks 2 and 3

Benchmarks 2 and 3 must be assigned by a Teacher or a School Administrator. In order to assign Benchmark 2 or 3 to a student, the student must be eligible. Eligibility for one assessment opens as soon as the student has completed the previous Benchmark. In other words, as soon as the student completes Benchmark 1, they are eligible for Benchmark 2. Once they complete Benchmark 2, they are eligible for Benchmark 3. However, Imagine Learning strongly recommends that you wait at least 90 days between Benchmarks so that students have sufficient time to demonstrate growth.

Once assigned, students receive the Benchmark the next time they log in to Imagine Math. Benchmarks 2 and 3 can be unassigned if the student has not yet taken the assessment and you would like to have the student take it at a later date. 

Benchmarks can be assigned to entire classes, multiple students, or individual students. 

To assign Benchmark 2 or 3:

  1. Log in to Imagine Math.
  2. In the Management portion of the left navigation pane, click Benchmark Roster.


  3. As applicable: Use the drop-down menus at the top of the page to find the student whose Benchmark you want to reassign. You can also search for a specific student by typing their name in the Search box.
    Drop-down menus for School Administrators:
    An additional Classroom drop-down menu appears once you make a selection in the Teacher menu.

    Drop-down menus for Teachers:
  4. To assign Benchmark 2 or 3 to all eligible students in a class, click the checkbox for the Benchmark 2 or Benchmark 3 column, then click Select all (number of students) eligible. This selects all eligible students on every page of the Benchmark Roster.


    To assign Benchmark 2 or 3 to an individual student, click the Eligible checkbox in the Benchmark 2 or Benchmark 3 column for their name.

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  5. Click Assign Benchmark.


  6. Click Yes to confirm that you want to assign the Benchmark Test to your students. 


    You'll see a message at the top of the screen saying that you've successfully assigned the Benchmark to your students. The students will receive the Benchmark the next time they log in to Imagine Math (or after they finish the question they are working on if they are already logged in).


To unassign Benchmark 2 or 3:

Reminder: Students must not have completed the Benchmark in order for it to be unassigned. If they already completed it and you question the validity of the score, you may invalidate it and reassign it instead.

  1. Log in to Imagine Math 3+.
  2. In the Management portion of the left navigation pane, click Benchmark Roster.


  3. As applicable: Use the drop-down menus or the Search bar to find the student whose Benchmark you want to unassign. Unassigning Benchmarks must be done on a student-by-student basis.

    Drop-down menus for School Administrators:
    An additional Classroom drop-down menu appears once you make a selection in the Teacher menu.

    Drop-down menus for Teachers:
  4. Click Unassign in the applicable column (Benchmark 2 or Benchmark 3).


  5. Click Unassign to confirm your action.


    You'll see a message at the top of the screen saying that you've successfully unassigned the student's Benchmark.
