Lesson Components
Imagine Math PreK-2 activities are organized into lessons, which are about 20-30 minutes long. Students go through the lessons in order, and there are about 100 lessons in each grade level.
Each lesson is comprised of about 5 to 7 activities, and each activity has a varying amount of questions, or exercises.
When a student logs in for the first time they complete the Introductory Lesson, which shows them how to use the program.
See also: Understanding the Flow of an Imagine Math PreK-2 Lesson
Lesson Navigation
Click to start the exercise or go on to the next exercise.
Click to submit your answer.
Click to hear the question again.
Click to pause the lesson.
From the Pause screen:
Click the Play button to continue to the lesson.
Click the Map to exit the lesson
After logging in, the student is taken to the map. A lesson is available to the student in the location on the map that is not faded out; the student should click on the location to start or continue the lesson.
To log out of the program, they click Pause and then click the X button to log out, or the Play button to resume their work.
Tokens and Targeted Review
At the end of each lesson, students earn one token for finishing the lesson, regardless of their accuracy. They also earn tokens for every activity within the lesson where their accuracy was equal to or above 50%. If the student did not earn all possible tokens, they will be asked if they want to earn the missing tokens in the Targeted Review. Clicking Yes will bring the student back to the exercises where they had trouble. Clicking No will bring the student to the map. (Students can try to earn these missing tokens later in the Treasure Island map location.)
Educators can view students' tokens and targeted review status on the Student Progress report.