Previewing lessons in the Lesson Explorer for Imagine Math 3+

All Imagine Math lesson components and lesson exercises can be previewed by Teachers and Administrators from within the Lesson Explorer. You can also look up the answers to the exercises via the Answer Key.

To preview lessons in the Lesson Explorer

  1. Log in to Imagine Math.
  2. In the Content section of the left navigation pane, click Lesson Explorer.


  3. At the top of the page, click Grade 3+.
  4. Find the lesson that you want to preview by using the Lesson, Grade Level, Unit, and/or Description fields to filter results. The example below shows a search for a third grade lesson on fractions.



    You can use filters individually or in combination with each other.


    To find STAAR lessons, select Mixed Review Lessons in the Unit filter.

  5. Click the lesson title to open up that lesson. 
  6. Information about the lesson displays. In the Preview section, choose the part of the lesson that you want to view. To start at the beginning, click Pre-Quiz


    Many lessons list the QSCs (Quantile Skills and Concepts) associated with the lesson in the Quantile Framework section at the bottom of the screen.

  7. The lesson opens. At the top of the page, a yellow dot on the number line indicates the current part of the lesson. Click any other number on the number line to go to that part of the lesson.
  8. To check the answer to a problem, chose a response and click Check.


    You can also check the answers to problems using the Answer Key.

  9. A green background indicates a correct answer; a red background indicates an incorrect answer. mceclip8.png mceclip9.png
  10. Click Next to go to the next problem.mceclip10.png
  11. At any time, click the drop-down arrow by your name and then click Done with Preview an Activity to return to the Lesson Explorer.mceclip0.png