Using the Imagine Galileo Teacher Dashboard Recent Events

The Recent Events section of the Teacher Dashboard allows you to link to test monitoring reports for tests that are in progress, or test result reports for tests that you have recently administered. You can customize the section by adding or removing test report links from the Recent Events. The Detailed Item Analysis, Intervention Alert, and Test Monitoring are the default reports that appear as links under each assessment.

To use the Recent Events

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click the Dashboard icon (dashboardicon_upd.png).


  3. Click Class or Intervention Group.


  4. If you selected Class in step 3, and are an Administrator or other district- or school-level user, use the School drop-down to select the school for which you want to see the recent events. Teachers, skip to step 5.


    If you selected Intervention Group in step 3, choose the Library and Intervention Group for which you want to see recent events.


  5. Click Reports.reportsIntG.png
  6. The Recent Events section shows the recent tests and assignments that are in progress or have been completed and the average percentage of correct answers given on the test. Use the table below the report to learn more about the capabilities of the Recent Events section. recentEvents.png
    Item Description
    date.png The date is the last date the test was scheduled.
    refresh.png Click Refresh to update the Recent Events section. 
    stargraph.png Click the Star to add or remove reports from your recent events list.
    search.png Type the name of the test in the Search Tests box to locate a test.
    Detailed Item Analysis Click Detailed Item Analysis to view the Detailed Item Analysis Report.
    Intervention Alert Click Intervention Alert to view the Intervention Alert Report.
    Test Monitoring Click Test Monitoring to view the Test Monitoring Report