Administrators can view all active and inactive classes that are shared with Imagine Galileo via an automated or manual sync. When a district stops sharing class information, that class automatically becomes inactive, and class-level data will no longer be viewable in Galileo. This includes testing schedules and associated class-level reports such as the Benchmark Performance Level report and the Categorical Growth Summary report.
Student-specific data remains viewable for individual students even when a class is archived. Furthermore, if an inactive class is reactivated, the class-level data will once again display.
Changing a semester/term course name causes the original semester/term classes to be deactivated. Schedules and assessment results will not populate in the new activated courses. To prevent this, we recommend sharing year-long courses or keeping the class names exactly the same each semester. If this is unavoidable, please contact Imagine Learning Product Support and ask to link Semester 1 and Semester 2 courses.
To view active and inactive classes:
- Log in to Imagine Galileo.
- Click Setup > School Information > Class.
Fill in the School and Term fields.
If you only have 1 term, select Galileo Default Term. If you have more than 1 term in the Term drop-down list, select All Terms.
Terms are established during the initial implementation process when using an automated sync.
- The list of active classes will display.
You can click Inactive Classes to view the list of inactive classes.Tips
- Check the dates on the Inactive Classes tab to easily identify classes that may have inadvertently or intentionally stopped sharing.
- From the Inactive Classes tab, sort classes by dates to quickly select the classes to reactivate.
To inactivate or activate classes, use the search box to locate the specific classes you want to modify.
By clicking the search drop-down menu, you can select a column to narrow your search criteria.Use the column header sort (
) icon to sort the list in ascending or descending order.
Once you have identified the desired class, you have the option to select individual classes by choosing the checkbox next to each class. Alternatively, you can select all listed classes by clicking the checkbox in the column heading. Click Inactivate Classes (
) or Reactivate Classes (
) to perform the respective action.
- Select either the PDF or EXCEL format to download the list. This will allow saving the class list for offline access or further analysis.