Viewing the Admin Dashboard in Imagine Galileo

The Admin Dashboard provides District Administrators and School Administrators access to four popular reporting sections: Categorical Growth Summary, Risk Level Summary, Student Growth and Achievement report, and the Benchmark Performance Level report. The Admin Dashboard provides District Administrators and School Administrators staff member names, Imagine Galileo access information, and email addresses.

To view the Admin Dashboard

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click the Dashboard icon ( dashboardicon_upd.png ).


  3. Use the dashboard drop-down menu to select Admin


  4. Your staff roster is displayed on the left side of the Admin Dashboard. The staff roster shows the total number of staff members assigned to you, staff member names, Imagine Galileo access level, and email address.


  5. The Admin Dashboard allows you to monitor your organization, school, class, and student progress in four different sections. Use the table below to learn more about the information in each section and the other reports you can access from the Admin Dashboard.
Section Description

The Categorical Growth Summary provides data on whether individual teachers or selected schools have maintained the expected growth of their students in the selected subjects. The categorical growth analysis of student scores is based on the comparison between the earliest and most recent benchmark assessments. The data that informs this analysis is generated from the Student Growth and Achievement report. 

The following categorizations are utilized to summarize effectiveness:

  • Expected growth is not maintained. This outcome is supported when observed growth is significantly below the expected growth. For organizations using the Score Compiler, this growth categorization results in a score of (1).
  • Expected growth is maintained. This outcome is supported when there is no statistically significant change between observed and expected growth. For organizations and schools using the Score Compiler, this growth categorization results in a score of (2).
  • Expected growth is exceeded. This outcome is supported when observed growth is significantly greater than expected growth. For organizations using the Score Compiler, this growth categorization results in a score of (3).

Click printIcon.png  to print the Categorical Growth Summary.


The Risk Level Summary shows students who are at risk of not mastering their grade-level content or not demonstrating proficiency on the next state standardized assessment (if state test data is provided for forecasting). Each section of the graph shows the total number of students in each risk level. (On Course, Low, Moderate, High).

The Instruction Performance Tracker for all levels and Benchmark Results for Student Risk Levels are default reports that appear under the graph.

Click printIcon.png to print the Risk Level Summary.


The Student Growth and Achievement report cross-classifies students in terms of student achievement and student growth.


Student Growth and Achievement report data will only populate after at least two Benchmark Tests have been administered.

The student data is displayed in quadrants:

  • Lower Growth, Higher Achievement
  • Lower Growth, Lower Achievement
  • Higher Growth, Higher Achievement
  • Higher Growth, Lower Achievement

Click printIcon.png  to print the Benchmark Performance Level summary.

bmarkPerfLevels.png The Benchmark Performance Level Report categorizes student progress on a series of benchmark assessments that have been placed on a common scale. This report displays the student’s Development Level (DL) score and performance level relative to the cut score on each benchmark assessment taken. By default, the cut scores on the benchmark assessments are set to correspond to percentile ranks that were identified to facilitate the classification of students for intervention or enrichment. Students with scores at or above the passing cut score are classified as having met the standards on the benchmark test. A pie chart illustrates the percentage of students in each Performance Level along with information about percent correct, Developmental Level (DL) scores, and standards mastery. A table shows detailed information for individual students as well as comparative data for the school and district. The Benchmark Performance Level Report is the default report that appears under the graph and table. 

Click printIcon.png  to print the Benchmark Performance Level summary.


If your district provided state test scores for forecasting then the cut scores on the benchmark assessments are set to correspond to the cut scores on the state standardized test. The performance levels will reflect the language of the levels on the state test.