Understanding staff account permissions in the Imagine Math suite


This article applies to Imagine Math and Imagine Math Facts.

Staff accounts can be one of four types: Customer Administrator (over multiple districts), District Administrator, School Administrator, or Teacher.

Each account type has different permissions. This chart shows which permissions are allowed for each account type. Each action can only be taken for the students or classes in your own purview. For example, as a teacher, you may create your own class, but you can't create a class for another teacher. As a school administrator, you can assign teachers to the classes at your school, but not at another school.

Managing organizations
Permission Customer Administrators District Administrators School Administrators Teachers
Edit school information     
Manage school groups     
Allow or restrict student account creation by teachers      
Export student report data
Upload logo to the parent portal (Imagine Math 3+)      
View parent self-registration (Imagine Math 3+)      
Activate/deactivate schools      
Managing teacher accounts
Permission Customer Administrators District Administrators School  Administrators Teachers
Self-roster accounts and groups through bulk import
Activate your own account (if invited via email to do so)    
Add teacher accounts  
Assign and unassign teachers and classes   
Edit teacher account information
(only their own account)

Activate and deactivate teacher accounts

Managing student accounts
Permission Customer Administrators District Administrators School Administrators Teachers
Self-roster accounts and groups through bulk import
Allow second languages      
Require student records to include student information number      
Set minimum length of student information number      
Assign products to students
Add student accounts and assign students to classes
View and edit student account information 
Delete inactive student accounts
Move students between classes, teachers, and schools 
Print start cards for individual students
Managing groups
Permission Customer Administrators District Administrators School Administrators Teachers
Manage classes 
Create a class 
Activate or deactivate a class
Edit class name/change class settings
Enable or disable the calculator (Imagine Math 3+)
Restrict avatar and accessory purchases (Imagine Math 3+)
Print start cards for a group
Enroll students in a pathway ✓  ✓  ✓ 
Set classroom goals (Imagine Math 3+) ✓ 
Managing assessments

Customer Administrators

District Administrators

School Administrators Teachers
Reassign pre-tests (Imagine Math Facts)



Assign and unassign Benchmark Tests (Imagine Math)
Invalidate/Reassign Benchmark Tests (Imagine Math)