The Data Checker report allows users to view specific information that has been entered into Imagine Galileo or check for missing data in all form types. The Data Checker report can be used for data-entry monitoring and as an aggregated form of information summaries.
To view Data Checker reports
- Log in to Imagine Galileo.
- Click Reports > Monitoring > Data Checker-Form Information.
- Click the applicable Form Type, District, School, Class, and Form to run a report.
- Click Enrollment Status if you are running a student report.
- (Optional) Select applicable additional options.
Available Options Description Treat boolean (checkbox) items under the same heading as a single item When this box is unchecked, demographic sub-data is excluded from the report (e.g. if you have checked this box and have chosen Race and Ethnicity to be included in your report you will not get a breakdown of each race or ethnicity). Break out option choices into separate items When this box is selected, you receive demographic sub-data in your report. Only show items where information is missing When this box is selected, your report will only include missing student demographic data. - Click Find missing data or Find entered data.
- (Optional) Click the As Of This Date calendar (
) to only view items with missing data. Select the applicable date to run a report.
- Click Find Data.
- You will see the number of entries without missing data. Click Print Report to open a printable PDF copy of the report. Click the binoculars (
) to view more detailed student demographic information.