Viewing the Imagine Galileo Unanswered Items Report

The Unanswered Items Report lists students who have not answered all the test items on a test. Customize your report by filtering for students with a specific range of unanswered test items of your choice. Stay informed about student testing progress through either the Test Monitoring Report or the Test Activity Report.

To view Unanswered Items reports

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click Reports > Monitoring > Unanswered Items Report.


  3. District Administrators, School Administrators, or other District-level or, School-level users, use the School drop-down list to select the applicable school to view a report. Teachers or other class-level users skip to step 4.


  4. Use the Class drop-down list to choose the applicable class to view a report.


  5. Use the Library drop-down list to choose the library containing the applicable test to view a report.


  6. Use the Test drop-down to choose the applicable test to view a report.


  7. Enter the applicable numbers in the Include students with to missing answers boxes.


  8. Click Run Report.


  9. The report lists the names of the students who have unanswered test items based on the numbers you entered in step 7. If you do not have students with unanswered test items based on the numbers you entered in step 7, you will receive the following message: No Students have incomplete tests as defined by your settings. unansweredReport.png