The Testing Activity report helps District Administrators, School Administrators, and other District-level users monitor the implementation of scheduled tests. The report displays the tests administered during a selected period of time, and you can choose to view benchmarks, formative assessments, or both.
Each report shows a list of schools, individual classes, and intervention groups with the completion percentage for each assessment. You can see exactly how many students completed the test versus how many were scheduled (in raw numbers and in percentages).
An exportable file provides more detail, such as each student's name and testing status (Not Started, In Progress, or Submitted).
To view the Testing Activity report:
- Log in to Imagine Galileo.
- Go to Reports > Monitoring > Testing Activity.
An alternate way to access the report is to go to Calendar > Testing Activity.
- Click the School & Grade drop-down lists to filter the report by School, Test Grade (optional), or Student Grade. The Analysis Request is only available when All Schools in the School drop-down menu is selected.
Select the applicable Date Range to view the report.
Choose All Tests, Only include benchmark tests, or Only include formative tests.
- Click Run Report.
- The test details page shows a list of classes scheduled to take the selected test, the number of students in each class, the number of students who took the test, the percentage of students who took the test, and whether or not there was full test participation. Use the table below to learn more about the report details.
The names of the tests are hyperlinks. Click on the test name to drill down from district to school to classrooms to students.
Section Description The Test section of the report shows which tests have been administered. Click a test to view the schools that participated in the test. Click a school to view which classes took the test. Click a class to view a list of students scheduled for and have taken the test.
The Taken/Scheduled section of the report shows the total number of each test that has been scheduled and the total number of students who have completed each test. The Participation section of the report shows the percentage of students who have completed each test. The Full? section of the report shows if a test has been completed by 100% of the students assigned to take it. A black check ( ) appears when a test reaches 100% participation.
The Analysis Status section of the report shows if the test has received an Imagine Learning test analysis. The Ready for Analysis section of the report shows if a test is ready for an Imagine Learning test analysis. Imagine Learning recommends an 80% participation rate to be considered for analysis. A red exclamation point ( ) indicates that test participation has not reached 80% and is not ready for analysis.
Click Ready For Analysis to submit a test(s) for analysis.
A gray check (
) appears after a test has been submitted for analysis.
Print button: Prints the current view of the report. Export button: Exports the report to an Excel file or a Detailed Student Export file. We recommend selecting Detailed Student Export.
This report lists each student's name and testing status (Not Started, In Progress, or Submitted). Students whose status is In Progress will show the date they started the assessment, and students whose status is Submitted will show the date they completed the test.