Viewing Imagine Galileo User Activity Reports

The Activity Report enables administrators to view a roster of their organization's staff, and the number of logins for each user during a selected period. It's also used to access the dates and session start times for each user.

To view User Activity reports

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click Reports > Monitoring > User Activity.


  3. Choose Last 60 Days, Last 30 Days, Last Two Weeks, or use the calendar icon to enter the applicable date range to view a User Activity Report.


  4. If you are a District Administrator, School Administrator, or other District-level or School-level user with access to more than one school, select the applicable District and School to generate a report. Teachers, and other class-level users, skip to step 5.


  5. (Optional) Click Only show users with login activity to remove students from your report who have not yet logged into Imagine Galileo.


  6. Click Show System Activity.


  7. The User Activity report shows a list of users, user access level, login name, and the number of times they have logged in. Click Print ( printIConUserAct.png ) next to the user name to print a User Activity Report for the individual user. Click Print Report to print a User Activity Report for the school(s) you selected. Click View Details to access dates and times of student logins.


  8. A User Activity Report for an individual will show the date range you selected, each log in session date, and start time.
