If a student's performance on a test is not reflective of their true abilities, or if you incorrectly scheduled a test and students took the wrong test, you can have students re-take a test.
If you want a student to retake a test, you must first delete the student's original score and then re-schedule the test for the student. If you don't delete the original score first, when students go to re-take the test, the test will not be "blank" but rather will display the answers that the student previously selected.
To remove scores, users need write access to the test's library; therefore, in most cases, only School or District Administrators can delete the student's first test score. Once a student's score has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.
To delete a score:
- Log in to Imagine Galileo.
- Choose Assessment > Test Scoring > Score Tests.
- Select the appropriate School, Class, Library, Test, and Student using the applicable drop-down lists.
- Select Show scores only or Show test items with scores.
- Click Delete Scores. Once a score is deleted, it cannot be restored.
- Click Save Scores.
- The student's updated test score will appear. When a test score is no longer available, Test has not been scored will display.
Students missing a score could indicate they have a duplicate account.
- Re-schedule the test for the student.