Best practices for scheduling tests in Imagine Galileo

Do you want your test data to be as clean as possible, and your students to know exactly which test to take? Here is what you can do to make this happen:

  • Schedule only one Benchmark per subject at a time, and don't schedule them year-long. Wait until one test schedule ends for a subject before making the next one in that subject available; overlapping tests can confuse students when they see more than one available in their dashboard. It's very possible they could select and take the wrong one!
  • Be mindful of the classes that you are asking students to take the assessment from. For example, if scheduling a math test in a science class, make sure the science students know they'll be taking the math test. In this case, the science teacher will also display in the Categorical Growth Summary with scores for math. 
  • Remember that you can prevent students from taking tests at home/outside of school hours if you prefer all students take the test at school. See step 7 in Scheduling a test to learn how to restrict access to the test during the times and days you specify.


My student did not finish the test before the test schedule ended. How do I allow my student to finish the test?
First, make sure the test is still currently scheduled, and schedule it again if necessary. Then, go into the Test Monitoring report and unlock the student.
My student submitted their test, but I want them to go back in and adjust their answers. (Maybe they rushed through the test.) How do I allow my student back into the test?
First, make sure the test is still currently scheduled, and schedule it again if necessary. Then, go into the Test Monitoring report and unlock the student. The student can now go in and review their previous attempt, change their answers as needed, and resubmit the test.
My student submitted their test, but needs to take the test all over again. How do I allow my student to retake a test?
First, make sure the test is still currently scheduled, and schedule it again if necessary. Then, go into the Test Monitoring report and unlock the student. Then, have an administrator with write access to the applicable test library delete the student's score. The student can now log back in and restart the test from the beginning.
My student missed taking the test when it was first scheduled (and now the schedule has ended). How do I allow my student to take the test?
Since the original test schedule has closed, you will need to re-schedule the test. The student who was absent during the original testing window will now be able to take the test, while the students who already took the test will be unable to access it again. 
Not all the students in my class need to take a test. How do I give the test to only a few students?
Create an intervention group and then assign the test to the intervention group rather than the class.