Deleting a Test Scheduled Using the Imagine Galileo Bulk Scheduler

The Bulk Schedule History displays all assessments a District Administrator, School Administrator, or other district-level and school-level users have created using the Bulk Scheduler. After a test has been scheduled, you can also edit the test, add a class to a scheduled test, or delete a scheduled test.


If a student has taken a test within the scheduled testing window, you cannot delete the schedule, but you can edit the testing schedule with the preferred testing dates. This closes the testing window and blocks student access to the schedule.

To delete a test scheduled with the bulk history tool

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Choose Assessment > Test Scheduling > Bulk Schedule History.


  3. Select Test in the upper navigation.


  4. Click the trash can ( trashIconBHS.png ) to delete a test.


  5. Click Yes, delete this schedule. The test is removed from your list of scheduled tests.
