The Bulk Schedule History displays all tests a District Administrator, School Administrator, or other district-level and school-level users have created using the Bulk Scheduler tool. After a test has been scheduled you can delete the test, or add a class to a scheduled test.
To edit a test scheduled with the bulk history tool
- Log in to Imagine Galileo.
- Click Assessment > Test Scheduling > Bulk Schedule History.
Click Test in the upper navigation.
Choose the applicable test to edit in the Testing Period column, then click Edit.
- Review the test settings then use the table below the sample test options to see how those settings can be edited.
Term/Field Description Test Availability Shows the dates the test is available to students. Click the calendar to adjust the dates. Test Limit Time Check this box to enable test limit time. After checking the box you must choose if you want to allow students to pause a test and enter a test length time. Student Score Availability Post Scores: Check this box to Post Student Scores, date, and time fields to post the student's scores in the K-12 Student-Family Center.
Student Responses: Check this box to post student test items and their responses to the responses field in the K-12 Student-Family Center. You cannot post responses if you do not choose to post scores.
Password By default, no password is needed. Uncheck the box to require that students add a password to access the test. Randomize items Click the box to randomize the questions students receive. Recommendation
Imagine Learning recommends that you randomize the test questions if students will be taking the 2nd-grade or higher benchmark assessments online. Kindergarten and grade 1 tests include teacher-read instructions; this type of test should not be randomized.
Calculator Check the box under the online calculator type (i.e. Basic, Scientific, Graphing) you want your students to use. Leave the boxes empty to prevent students from having access to the online calculator. Dictionary/Thesaurus Check this box to allow students to use the online dictionary/thesaurus. Restrict Grade Level This allows you to restrict the test to only students within the test grade level. This supports teachers who have combination/mixed grade-level classes. Text-to-speech Check this box to allow students to use text-to-speech. Text-to-speech allows students to have test questions and answers read to them. Note
Text-to-speech is not available for Automated Scoring Key tests and can only be used when a test is administered in a Chrome browser.
Translator Check this box to allow translation into the language of the student's choice. - Click Save.