Viewing Imagine Galileo Instruction Performance Tracker Reports

Administrators and Teachers can use the Instruction Performance Tracker report to see lists of the standards measured on benchmark assessments. You can schedule quizzes for students from the Performance Tracker report. 

To view a Performance Tracker report

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo
  2. Click the Dashboard icon (dashboardicon_upd.png).


  3. The Risk Level summary shows students who are at risk of not mastering their grade-level content or not demonstrating proficiency on the next state standardized assessment if state test data is provided for forecasting. Use the Grade and Subject drop-down list to choose the applicable Grade and Subject to view an Instruction Performance Tracker for the All Risk Levels report.


  4. Click View Instruction Performance Tracker for All Risk Levels.


  5. The Instructional Performance Tracker shows the number of students who have taken a test, the student count, Test Title, Average DL Score, and Cut Score. Use the table below the report for details about each section of the report.


    Item Description
    Risk Levels Click the button next to the Risk Level to filter the report by students and standards from a specific risk level (High, Moderate, Low, On Course, or All). By default, All is selected.


    Students Count The number of students who have taken the test at the class, school, and district level. 
    Test Title The title of the tests for which you are viewing a report.
    Average DL Score The Average Developmental Range for each student. 
    Cut Score A cut score appears as HP (Highly Proficient), P (Proficient), PP (Partially Proficient), or MP (Minimally Proficient), scores are customizable to align to your state-specific performance levels.
    Assignments  Click Assignments to create assignments aligned to the standards that you select.
    Quiz Builder

    1. Choose a standard or multiple standards for which you want to create a quiz.


    2. Click Quiz Builder to create a quiz for the students in Risk Level from which you selected a standardquizBuilder.png