The Assessment History report provides Administrators and Teachers with an overview of a student’s performance on all assessments (benchmark, formative, external) across multiple years in one report. This report shows the raw score and percent correct on all Imagine Galileo assessments that are listed. For benchmark assessments, the report also lists the student’s Developmental Level (DL) score and percentile rank. The student’s scale score or any other type of score obtained on external tests (e.g. state standardized assessments) will display on this page as data that has been provided by your organization. You can access student Individual Development Profile reports and student Benchmark Profile reports from the Assessment History report.
To view Assessment History reports
- Log in to Imagine Galileo.
- Click Reports > Test Sets > Assessment History.
Administrators or other District- or School-level users with access to more than one school, select the applicable School to generate a report. If you are a School Administrator with access to only one school or a Teacher, skip to step 4.
- Select the applicable Class to generate a report.
- Select the applicable Student to generate a report.
- (Optional) To view dropped students in the report, select Check box to include dropped students.
(Optional) Check the boxes to add the student's current and previous school years' Assessment History.
This option is only available for organizations and students who have accumulated more than one year of Imagine Galileo testing data.
- Select tests to display: the assessment history of Benchmark tests, Formative tests, and External Tests.
- Click Run Report.
- The Assessment History report shows the test name, the date the student took the test, the score the student earned on the test, the percentage of correct answers the student submitted, the Developmental Level Score, Percentile Rank, and Lexile reading measure. Click the Test Name link to see the Individual Profile Report that shows the standards assessed and the student’s mastery level for each standard. Click the Risk Assessment link to see the student's Benchmark Profile report that shows the standards risk for the student.