Viewing Imagine Galileo Benchmark Performance Level Reports

The Imagine Galileo Benchmark Performance Level report arranges student progress on a series of benchmark assessments that have been placed on a common scale and displays the students' Developmental Level (DL) score and performance level relative to the cut score on each assessment taken. In the Benchmark Performance Level report, a chart displays the percent and count of students in each performance level and provides access to the disaggregated data that is being displayed in the chart. The report's settings include four different tabs that provide different information about student Benchmark performance. The report also includes a chart view, data view, and standards mastery data view


If your organization provided state test scores for forecasting, then the cut scores on the benchmark assessments are set to correspond to the cut scores on the state standardized test. The performance levels reflect the language of the levels on the state test.

Watch this video to learn more about Developmental Level scores.

To view Benchmark Performance Level reports

  1. Login to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click the Dashboard icon (dashboardicon_upd.png).


  3. Teachers, skip to step 4.

    If you are an Administrator, click Admin Dashboard > Teacher.


  4. Select Reports.clickReports.png
  5. Scroll to the Benchmark Performance Levels section and click View Full Benchmark Performance Levels Report.


  6. The Benchmark Performance Level report is divided into 4 tabs; Student, Class, School, and District. By default, the cut scores on the benchmark assessments are set to correspond to percentile ranks that were identified to facilitate the classification of students for intervention or enrichment. Students with scores at or above the passing cut score are classified as having met the standards on the benchmark test. Click the setting Only students who took ALL tests to run the report only for students who have data across all selected tests. Click the print icon ( printIconBPLReport.png ) to print the Benchmark Performace Level report.  benchPerfLevelReport.png

Report Settings

Report Tab Setting Options

District Administrators may add or remove tests using the Tests drop-down box. Selected Tests may be cleared by clicking Clear All.


District Administrators and School Administrators with access to more than one school may add or remove schools by clicking in the Schools drop-down box. Selected schools may be cleared by clicking on Clear All. A user may add or remove tests using the Test drop-down box. Selected tests may be cleared by clicking on Clear All.

Class A School Administrator with access to more than one school may add or remove Schools by clicking on the Schools drop-down box. A District Administrator with access to more than one school, and a class user with access to more than one class may add or remove classes by clicking in the Class drop-down box. Selected classes may be cleared by clicking on the Clear All button. Any user may add or remove tests using the Tests drop-down box. Selected tests may be cleared by clicking on Clear All.

District Administrators and School Administrators with access to more than one school may add or remove a school by clicking on the Schools drop-down box. District Administrators and School Administrators with access to more than one school, and class users with access to more than one class may add or remove classes by clicking in the Class drop-down box. Selected classes may be cleared by clicking on the Clear All button. A user may add or remove tests using the Tests drop-down box. Selected tests may be cleared by clicking on Clear All.

All users may select the Intervention Group radio button to run the report for a group of students. Select the Library, the Intervention Group, and the desired tests.

Chart View

The Student, Class, School, and District Benchmark Performance reports all allow you to view the report as a chart. The chart displays the percentage of students who are passing including those who are not.


Your chart shows different data depending on which level you are viewing the report from. View the table below for a description of what you will see and the different report filter options available. At any level hover over the graph to see the student count, the Average % Correct, Avg DL, Avg % Standards Mastery, % Passing, Total Points, and DL Ranges.

Level Description

If you are viewing the report at the District level, hover over the graph to see the student count, the Average % Correct, Avg DL, Avg % Standards Mastery, % Passing, Total Points, and DL Ranges for your entire organization.


If you are viewing the report at the School Level, determine if you would like to Group By: School, Class or Test. Selecting Group by School, Class displays the tests side-by-side for each site. Selecting Group By Test displays each school/class side-by-side for each test.

You can hover over the graph to see the student count, the Average % Correct, Avg DL, Avg % Standards Mastery, % Passing, Total Points, and DL Ranges for your school. 


If you are viewing the report at the School Level, determine if you would like to Group By: School, Class or Test. Selecting Group by School, Class displays the tests side-by-side for each site. Selecting Group By Test displays each school/class side-by-side for each test for your class. 

You can hover over the graph to see the student count, the Average % Correct, Avg DL, Avg % Standards Mastery, % Passing, Total Points, and DL Ranges for your class.


If you are viewing the report at the Student level, you can hover over the graph to see the student count, the Average % Correct, Avg DL, Avg % Standards Mastery, % Passing, Total Points, and DL Ranges for your class.

Data View

The Benchmark report data view includes test properties and performance level data. The Test Properties table will display the test(s) attributes of each selected assessment including Test title, Total Points possible, and the range of Developmental Level Scale scores for each Performance Level. Use the Search to find a student, class, school, performance level, and other information located in the table.


Use the table below for more detailed information included in the Student Performance Level data table.  

Term/Field Description
StudentID Unique student ID.
Student name The student's name in Imagine Galileo.
Class name The name of the class in which the student is enrolled.
School name The name of the school in which the student is enrolled.
District name The name of the district in which the student is enrolled.
Test Title The title of the test you are viewing a report from.
Student Count The number of students that have taken the test at the class, school, and district level. 
Earned Points or Average Points The total points earned or the average of all the points earned.  
Percentage Correct or Average Percentage Correct The percentage of the test students answered correctly or the average of the percentage of correct answers. 
DL Score or Average DL Range The Development Level (DL) or Average Developmental Range for each student. 
Performance Level For classes, schools, or districts this is based on the average DL scores for students. The data element displays the Development Level (DL) score and performance level relative to the cut score on each benchmark assessment taken. The cut scores on the benchmark assessments are set to correspond to the cut scores on the state standardized test.
Average % of Standards Mastered Displays on the class, school, and district-level tables. This percentage is based on the total number of passing standards. The passing is based on what the organization has identified as a passing mastery as shown in the Intervention Alert report.
% Passing Displays on the class, school, and district-level tables. This is the percentage of students in the passing column of the bar chart.
Individual Performance Level or % in each Performance Level The Performance Level or % in each Performance Level of each student. 

Comparative Data

The data table will also provide comparative data for the user so they may see their student, class, and school relative to others. 

Report Level Report Display
District Administrators Displays the Avg Earned Points, Avg % Correct, Average DL Score, Avg Performance Level, the Avg % of Standards Mastered, the % passing, and the % and count of students in each Performance Level, at each site.
School Administrators Displays the School Name and District Name, Avg Earned Points, Avg % Correct, Avg DL Score and Avg Performance Level, the Avg % of Standards Mastered, the % passing, and the % and count of students in each Performance Level, at each site.
Teachers Displays the School Name and District Name, Avg Earned Points, Avg % Correct, Avg DL Score and average Performance Level, the Avg % of Standards Mastered, the % passing, and the % and count of students in each Performance Level, at each site.
Student  Displays the Class name(s), School Name and District Name, the count of students who took the test in each, Avg Earned Points, Avg % Correct, Avg DL Score, and average Performance Level of each site. 

Standards View

Data related to students' mastery of standards on the selected tests are accessible at the Student level. Once the schools, classes, and tests have been selected you can display the Standards data by clicking the Standards option.


Use the table for information about the different fields that appear in the standard view. 

Term/Field Description
StudentID The Unique student ID for each student. 
Student name The student's name in Imagine Galileo
Class name The name of the class in which the student is enrolled.
School name The name of the school in which the student is enrolled.
District name The name of the district in which the student is enrolled.
Test Title The title of the test you are viewing a report from.
Standards Mastery Categories This legend and percentage are defined by your district and are the same as shown in the Intervention Alert Report.
Average % of Standards Mastered Displays on the class, school, and district-level tables. This percentage is based on the total number of passing standards. The passing is based on what the organization has identified as a passing mastery as shown on the Intervention Alert report.
Standard The standard assessed on the test.
Individual Performance Level or % in each Performance Level The Performance Level or % in each Performance Level of each student.