Viewing Imagine Galileo's Student Growth and Achievement Reports

The Student Growth and Achievement Report cross-classifies student performance for Administrators and Teachers by student achievement and student growth. Student growth is measured by the difference between the student’s Developmental Level (DL) score at time one and time two. Time one is represented by an initial assessment, such as a pretest. Time two is represented by a second assessment or a posttest. The student data is displayed in quadrants.

To view the student growth and achievement reports

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click Reports > Test Sets > Student Growth and Achievement.


  3. In Step 1: Select class(es), use the drop-down lists to choose the school, (optional) teacher, and class. If a teacher has been assigned to more than one class, select the applicable classes to run a report by selecting a class checkbox. 


  4. In Step 2: Select tests, use the drop-down lists to choose the subject, grade, and applicable test to run a report.


  5. (Optional) In Step 3:  Optional Filters, click +Add Link to add a Student Information Filter Form and Form Variables to your report. Click x Clear All to remove any filters you may have previously applied.


  6. In Step 4: Run report, click Run Report.


  7. The Growth and Achievement report shows students in quadrants. Points that are darker than other points indicate multiple students with the same results. A yellow dot indicates that the student’s growth score has been adjusted to counter a ceiling effect. Hover over a student data point and student growth to view the end test score. Use the table below the report to help interpret the quadrants.


    Term Description 
    Quadrant One (Higher Growth, Higher Achievement  The students in this quadrant are categorized as having higher growth and higher achievement. The students scored above the proficiency cut score on the End Test and demonstrated greater than expected growth between the two tests.
    Quadrant Two (Lower Growth, Higher Achievement) The students in this quadrant are categorized as having lower growth and higher achievement. These students attained Developmental Level (DL) scores on the End Test that were above the proficiency score for that test but demonstrated less than the expected amount of growth between the two tests.
    Quadrant Three (Lower Growth, Lower Achievement) The students in this quadrant are behind their peers in both current observed growth and achievement.
    Quadrant Four (Higher Growth, Lower Achievement) The students in this quadrant are categorized as having scored below proficient on the end test but have demonstrated greater than expected growth relative to the start test.
    View Complete Student List Click the binoculars (binoc.png) to see all students and their growth and achievement categorization.
    Print Report Click the Printer (printer.png) to print the Growth and Achievement Report.
    Growth Expectation Displays the approach used to calculate the expected growth; Research-based Growth Standard or Organization Average Growth.
    Average Growth The average observed growth for the selected schools or classes.
    Proficiency Cut Score Students above this line have met or are above the cut score; students below the line did not meet the cut score.
    Expected Growth

    The Line represents the amount of growth that was expected between the two tests. The amount of growth that was obtained by each student is plotted against this line. Students to the left of this line have shown low or no growth; students to the right of the line have shown growth.