The Class Test Scores report highlights the highest and lowest scores in the class, including the class average. It also shows each student’s test score presented as percent correct in addition to being presented as total points earned. You can unlock insights with this report to uncover specific information about test items. Explore the total potential points assigned to each test item and the overall test. Also, identify the average percent correct per test item, and the total points earned by each student. The report provides users with two options to view testing scores: a Class Score List and a Class Score Grid.
To view Class Test Score Reports
- Log in to Imagine Galileo.
- Click Reports > Test Scores > Class Test Scores.
- District Administrators, School Administrators, or other district-level or school-level users with access to more than one school, select the applicable school to generate a report. If you are a Teacher or other class-level user, skip to step 4.
- Select the applicable Class to generate a report.
- Select the Library that contains the applicable test to generate a report.
- Double-click a Test to generate a report.
- Click Class Score List or Class Score Grid. (Optional) If generating the Class Score List, click Hide student names and only show student ID to create a report that only lists student ID numbers.
- Click Run Report.
Class Score List
The Class Score List Grid shows you the total number of students to complete the test, the number of test items, possible points on the test, and individual student scores. Click the studentID or Student Name to view the student's Assessment History. If you selected the Hide student names and only show student ID option in step 7, only the student ID appears in the report. Click the title of the test to view the test's Intervention Alert report. Click the # of Items to view the tests Item Analysis.
Class Score Grid
The Class Score Report opens in a PDF that provides users with a quick view of their student's performance. At the top of the report class statistics display. The report grid shows individual student testing data with item details. This report can only be run for a single test due to the test item detail.