Viewing the Student Activity report in Imagine Math 3+

The Student Activity report provides at-a-glance statuses for student activity within Imagine Math. Administrators and Teachers can identify which students are logged into Imagine Math, which are logged out, and on which lesson, activity, and item number the online students are working. The Student Activity report updates automatically every 10 seconds and you can refresh the report to update it more frequently if you want.

To view the Activity report in Imagine Math 3+:

  1. Log in to Imagine Math.
  2.  In the Reports section of the left navigation bar, select Activity.
  3. If you have only one classroom, the Activity report opens for that classroom. Otherwise, use the Classroom filter to select a classroom. (District administrators must select a school first and then a classroom.) 
  4. Logged In students display on one tab and Logged Out students display on the other tab. Logged in students' current Lesson also displays.


    You can also see which Imagine Math 3+ students are working on their Imagine Math Benchmark from this report. (Does not apply to NWEA students taking the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment.)

  5. Click the arrow to reveal more information about any student who is logged in.
  6. The activity (lesson component) that the student is working on displays along with the specific item number. If desired, look up the item number in the Answer Key to help the student with that particular item.
  7. As students log in and out of Imagine Math, they move between the Logged In and Logged Out tabs.


    Student Math Time only accumulates for students who are actively learning and completing math problems and lessons in Imagine Math 3+. Students who close the browser without properly logging out of Imagine Math may appear as logged in for up to 70 seconds until we've detected an abandoned session. For more information, see Viewing the Math Time Report in Imagine Math 3+.