Viewing the Usage: Activity report in Imagine Math 3+

The Activity section of the Usage report provides class-level information on how many lessons each student has attempted. This information helps Teachers and Administrators visualize student progress toward meeting the THINK 30 goal of completing at least 30 lessons by the end of the school year.  


This portion of the Usage report only applies to students in Grade 3 and up.

You can view the Activity report for all classrooms assigned to you, and the report updates hourly.

To view the Activity section of the Usage reports in Imagine Math 3+:

  1. Log in to Imagine Math
  2. In the Reports section of the left navigation bar, click Usage. 


  3. Click the Activity tab at the top of the Usage report.

  4. The classroom-level report displays. If desired, you can sort data by Highest Average Lessons or Lowest Average Lessons and/or click Download to download a CSV file of the report to print or save. 


    The class-level Activity report lists the classrooms that are assigned to you, with a column for each of the data points listed below. 
    Column Name Description
    Active Students The number of students in the class who have completed at least one math problem.
    Avg Lessons Attempted The average number of lessons each student has completed, regardless of whether they were passed or failed.
    0 to 14 The percentage of the active students who have completed between 0 and 14 lessons, followed by the count of the students in parenthesis after the percentage.
    15 to 29 The percentage of the active students who have completed between 15 and 29 lessons, followed by the count of the students in parenthesis after the percentage.
    30 or more The percentage of the active students who have completed 30 or more lessons, followed by the count of the students in parenthesis after the percentage.