Understanding the Usage report in Imagine Math 3+

The Usage report provides insight on the amount of time your students have spent using Imagine Math 3+, the number of Math Helps and Live Teachers they have accessed, and the number of lessons they have attempted and passed.

There is a tab for each of the four sections of the report Overview, Activity, Performance, and Math Time.


Administrators and Teachers can view Usage reports for any class or student assigned to them. The Overview section of the report can be printed or exported to Excel; the other sections of the report can be downloaded and then printed. All four sections of the report update hourly

The table below provides a summary of each of tab of the report.

Section Description
Overview Displays class-level information on average lessons passed and attempted, the number of times students connect with Live Teachers, and program use. You can also click on the name of the class to drill down into student-level data on total lessons passed and attempted, use of the Live Teachers, and program use.


The Overview section can be customized to add in columns for problems attempted, Math Help views, pass rate information, quiz score information, token information (Imagine Math PreK-2) and THINK Point information (Imagine Math 3+).

Activity Displays class-level information on average lessons attempted and the percentage of students who have completed more than 30 lessons to track toward the THINK 30 goal.


Data in this section populates only for students in Grades 3 and up.

Performance Displays class-level information on the numbers and percentages of lessons passed vs. lessons failed and the total number of unique lessons attempted. You can also click on the class name to view student-level lesson information in this section of the report.


Data in this section populates only for students in Grades 3 and up.

Math Time Displays class-level information about average total usage and average school usage vs. home usage. You can also click on the class name to drill down to student-level usage information in this section of the report.


Data in this section populates only for students in Grades 3 and up.