Administering the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark Test


This article does not apply to students taking the embedded Imagine Language & Literacy Benchmark or the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment. It only applies to students taking the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark in Imagine Language & Literacy (IL&L). If you aren't sure which assessment your school is using, read Checking which assessment option your organization is using.

If you're a Teacher, you can administer the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test to your students. Here's a list of what to do before students log in to Imagine Language & Literacy, how to introduce students to the ELA Benchmark, and what to do during the test. If you run into problems during the test, check the Troubleshooting section for help. The Benchmark test must be enabled before students can start it. A practice test is available to help acclimate students with the Benchmark test interface. It is recommended that this Practice test be given before the Benchmark test. Both the practice test and Benchmark test can be scheduled using the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark Easy Scheduler. There are two forms of the Benchmark test; one for Grades K-1 with a simpler interface and another more advanced for Grades 2+. Students access the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test through Imagine Language & Literacy. Before initiating the practice test and Benchmark test, you can show your students a short orientation video. If you choose to do so, be sure to choose the appropriate video for the grade level and language of your students. Student experience videos are available in both English and Spanish.

K-1 Videos 2+ Videos

K-1 Video (English)

K-1 Video (Spanish)

The Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark is a comprehensive assessment of a variety of language and literacy skills. The results are used to measure student growth over time and can also be used to refine a student's placement in Imagine Language & Literacy. 

The test is administered during 3 different testing windows throughout the school year. The Beginning-of-Year Benchmark test places students into their personalized learning path in Imagine Language & Literacy. The Middle-of-Year and End-of-Year Benchmark Tests refine student placement and help show student growth. Administrators or Teachers must schedule the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark, and the testing windows are determined by each organization.

In order to ensure the most accurate measurement of student capabilities, it is important to make sure students understand the purpose of the test and approach the test seriously. Sometimes students can become impatient and resort to guessing instead of reading passages or items. Encourage your students to take their time and do their best.  

Before Logging In

Teachers Administrators
  1. Schedule the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test and practice test: You must schedule both the Benchmark and practice test before it can be administered to students. Use the Easy Scheduler to schedule all three benchmark tests for the year. We recommend that students take the Practice test on the same day that they watch student videos.
  2. Review Student Accounts: As part of your preparation, review student accounts, groups, and product access to ensure students are properly set up to take the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark.
  3. Prepare your device or laptop hardware: Students using Imagine Language & Literacy on a laptop or desktop computer should use devices with which they are familiar, if possible. Kindergarten-Grade 1 students will also need headphones to complete the Benchmark. For more information, see Imagine Language & Literacy System Requirements.
  4. Print Login cards: Students will need their Imagine Language & Literacy login information to access the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test. Print login cards for each student so they know how to log in to Imagine Language & Literacy. For more information, see Printing Login Cards.
  5. Print test materials: Download or print the test materials that include a teacher script and a copy of the testing instructions.


    As new students arrive in class, you'll need to schedule the test again for the class. The new students can then take the test, while those who have already taken it will not be able to retake it. If a new student arrives during an open testing window, the student can take the test at that time, without the test having to be scheduled again.


Here are some quick solutions to problems you might encounter when administering the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark.

My student doesn't hear any sound

Ensure the volume setting is turned up. Ensure the student's headphones are plugged into the right jack or USB port.

I lost Internet connectivity during the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark

If you lose Internet connectivity during the Benchmark, reconnect your device. This may also require restarting your device. Your student will automatically begin where they left off when the device lost its Internet connection. 

The computer froze while my student was taking the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark

If your student's computer freezes during the Benchmark, close the current browser window and log in to Imagine Language & Literacy again. Your student will automatically begin where they left off when the computer froze.

The Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test doesn't appear in my student's test list

Make sure that you have scheduled both the Benchmark and practice test before administering them to students. Use the Easy Scheduler to schedule all three benchmark tests for the year.

My student gets a message that their test is locked

Check the Imagine Galileo Test Monitoring Report, then click the Lock icon (adminGalileoELALockIcon.png ) to unlock the student's test.

My student has completed the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test, but the Imagine Language & Literacy tile is still disabled

Check the Galileo Test Monitoring Report and verify that the Lock (adminGalileoELALockIcon.png) icon displays, indicating that the student has submitted the test. If your student has not yet submitted their test, click the Lock icon, then choose Submit