Student experience in the Grade K-1 Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test


This article does not apply to students taking the embedded Imagine Language & Literacy Benchmark or the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment. It only applies to students taking the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark in Imagine Language & Literacy (IL&L). If you aren't sure which assessment your school is using, read Checking which assessment option your organization is using.

As Kindergarten and Grade 1 students take the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test, they see screens and hear instructions that explain the testing process. Recognizing these screens and instructions helps Teachers monitor when students start the K-Grade 1 Galileo ELA Benchmark, navigate the test, answer different test question types, and receive feedback about their progress and performance on the test. Prior to taking the test, Administrators or Teachers must schedule the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test.

The Galileo ELA Benchmark test may require more time to complete than other tests. Sometimes students can become impatient and guess the answers to test items instead of reading passages or test items fully. Encourage your students to take their time and do their best work.

Students typically complete the test in 30-45 minutes; allow them as long as they need to complete the test. The Benchmark can be administered over multiple sessions if needed. If a student logs out of the test, their answers will be saved and they can resume the test the next time they log in. While students are taking the Benchmark test, check your student's status using the Imagine Galileo Test Monitoring Report.


Students who take the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test at home should not receive any assistance while taking the test. Helping students during an assessment can cause students to be placed in an incorrect starting point in Imagine Language & Literacy. For more information, read Using Imagine Language & Literacy at home.

Starting the Grade K-1 Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark

New Students

When students who are new to Imagine Language & Literacy log in, they see a yellow banner at the top of their student dashboard that prompts them to take the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark Test. Students can click the link in the banner or click the Imagine Galileo K-12 Assessment tile to go to the Imagine Galileo Student Test Center and start the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark.


Returning Students

When returning students log in to Imagine Language & Literacy, they click the Imagine Galileo K-12 Assessment tile to go to the Imagine Galileo Student Test Center and start the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark Test. Unlike brand-new users, they do not have a yellow banner at the top of their screen. 


While returning students are not required to take the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark before using Imagine Language & Literacy, we recommend that they take the test to provide a baseline for student growth throughout the school year.

Once new or returning students enter the Imagine Galileo Student Test Center, they click the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test that has been scheduled.


Navigating the Grade K-1 Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark 

The Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test includes these navigational tools to help students effectively navigate the test. Not all navigational tools appear for each question--some navigational tools are used for specific question types.

Button Description
studentExp2Arrows.png Students click Back to return to the previous question and Next to advance to the next question. Next turns green when the student answers the current question. 
studentExp2PlayButton.png Students click Play to hear the instructions for the current test question. Students can't answer the current test question or move on to the next question until the instructions have finished playing.
playDirectionStudentExpGalileo.PNG For questions that include a passage or text, students must click the Play Directions button to hear the instructions for the current test question. Students can't answer the current test question or move on to the next question until the instructions have finished playing.
directionsButtonStudentExpGalileo.PNG For questions that include a passage or text, students can read the passage or text on the screen or click the Play Text button to hear the passage or text read aloud to them.
hearQuestionButtonStudentExpGalileo.PNG For questions that include a passage or text, students must click the Play Questions button to hear the current test question and answer options read aloud to them.
studentExp2BlueButtonNew.png Students can click the Speaker button to hear the answer options for the current test question read aloud to them.

Answering Grade K-1 Galileo ELA Benchmark test questions

The Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test includes approximately 35 questions that use different question types. These are some examples of question types that students may encounter. 

Print Concepts question type

Students click the Play button and are asked to click a specific letter on the keyboard or a combination of letters that make a specific sound. 


Word Recognition question type

Students click the Play button and are asked to click on a specific word in a sentence. In this question, students are asked to click on the word faster


Listening Comprehension question type

Students click the Play directions button to hear the instructions for the current test question. Then they read the text onscreen or click the Play Text button to have the text read aloud to them. After reading or hearing the text, students click the Play Questions button to hear the current test question and answer options read to them.


Student feedback during the Grade K-1 Galileo ELA Benchmark 

Throughout the Benchmark test, students see and hear encouraging feedback to help reduce testing fatigue.


After answering the last test question, students see and hear a "Good job! You've finished the test" message on the screen. Students can then click Done to return to their student dashboard. 
