Submitting Imagine Galileo ELA tests for emergent English Language Learners


This article does not apply to students taking the embedded Imagine Language & Literacy Benchmark or the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment. It only applies to students taking the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark in Imagine Language & Literacy (IL&L). If you aren't sure which assessment your school is using, read Checking which assessment option your organization is using.

In isolated situations, completing an assessment is not in the best interest of a student (e.g., a newly arrived EL student who has extremely limited English language skills), an educator may submit the Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmark test for scoring without requiring the student to complete the test.

If a student is a newcomer (defined as students with little-to-no formal education and little/low literacy in their native language with little-to-no knowledge of English), the student should not attempt to answer questions in the test.

Here are three scenarios for submitting the test and the reporting available for each scenario:

  1. Student logs in to Imagine Galileo and attempts 1 question, and then clicks submit. 

    Student will then enter Imagine Language & Literacy and will receive diagnostic testing to guide their placement into the program.

    Student data will be visible on all reports—Benchmark Performance Levels, Intervention Alert, Standards Mastery, etc.

    This is the BEST option when you want student data to appear in the overall data story to show growth.

  2. Student logs into Imagine Galileo and submits a blank test.

    Students submitting a blank test will receive a score at the lowest developmental level for their grade level range.

    Student will then enter Imagine Language & Literacy and will receive diagnostic testing to guide their placement into the program.

    Student data may NOT be visible on other important reports such as Benchmark Performance Levels, Intervention Alert, Standards Mastery, etc.

  3. Student NEVER logs in, and the teacher submits a blank test on behalf of the student. 

    This scenario has not been historically available and the reporting features are unknown.

    Growth will only be available using the Imagine Language & Literacy Progress and Usage reports.

    After a blank test is submitted, the student will start Imagine Language & Literacy in the middle of a diagnostic testing sequence to guide their placement into the program.


Option 3 is not recommended as it makes the data growth story very difficult.