Viewing the Imagine Galileo Bulk Schedule History Report

The Bulk Schedule History displays all tests a District Administrator, School Administrator, and other district- and school-level users have created using the Bulk Scheduler tool. After a test has been scheduled, you can edit the test schedule, delete a scheduled test, or add a class to a scheduled test.

To edit a test scheduled with the bulk history tool

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click Assessment > Test Scheduling > Bulk ScheduleHistory.


  3. Click Test.


  4. Choose View all schedules.


  5. Choose the applicable date range and School to view a report. dateRangeSchool.png
  6. The Bulk History Schedule provides essential details about each test, including the test title, its source library, test type, administration date, the number of assigned students, modification dates, and the status of any updates. Click the Testing Period [Edit] link to edit the test settings or the Approx. Class Count [Edit Classes] link to add a class to the scheduled test. Click (trashIcon.png) to delete a scheduled test.
