Enabling students to access Live Teachers in Spanish in Imagine Math 3+

Administrators and Teachers can enable Spanish language support for any Spanish-speaking student that is assigned to them. When you enable Imagine Math 3+ Spanish language support, your students have the option to connect to the Live Teachers in Spanish.

To enable Spanish language support:

  1. Log in to the Math Suite.
  2. In the Management section of the navigation pane, click Students.
  3. Use the search feature and/or Active/Inactive filter to find the student, if necessary, then click Edit (mceclip3.png) by the student whose language support you wish to switch to Spanish. 

  4. In the Support Language drop-down list, choose Spanish.


  5. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
  6. A confirmation appears at the top of your screen.


Be sure that students who need assistance in Spanish have access to the glossary in Spanish and can toggle the audio to Spanish as well.