Editing class names/changing class settings in the Imagine Math suite


This article applies to Imagine Math and Imagine Math Facts.

As an Administrator or Teacher, you can change classroom names and edit classroom settings for your associated classes.

For Imagine Math, you can enable or disable the use of the built-in calculator, allow Imagine Math to manage pathway enrollments, and enable or disable sounds effects during student sessions. By default, these settings are automatically enabled when you create a new class, but you can change them at any time.

You can also restrict avatar-building during specific days and times for each classroom.

For Imagine Math Facts, you can change the default order of operations and enable Friendly Mode so that students are not frightened by enemy attacks. These settings are disabled by default but can be changed as desired.

Administrators have the additional ability to assign and unassign teachers associated with the class.


If your school or district has purchased both Imagine Math and Imagine Math Facts, you'll see class settings for both products. If your school or district has only purchased one product, you'll only see the settings for the applicable product. 

To edit a classroom:

  1. Log in to the Imagine Math portal.
  2. If you are a School Administrator or Teacher, click Management > Classrooms in the left navigation pane.


    District Administrators: Click Management > Schools in the left navigation pane, then click Classes for the applicable school. 

    Customer Administrators
    : Click Management > Organizations in the left navigation pane, click Schools by the applicable district, then click Classes for the applicable school. 

  3. Click Edit Classroom for the applicable class.

  4. The Editing page opens. Make your desired changes and click Save at the bottom of the page. Refer to steps 5 - 8 in the Creating a class in the Imagine Math suite article for more detailed information about each field or setting.
  5. If you are an Administrator, you can add or remove teachers from this class.

    • To add a teacher, click Add (mceclip0.png) or click and drag the teacher's name from the Available Teachers column to the Selected Teachers column. 
    • To remove a teacher, click Remove (mceclip1.png) or click and drag the teacher's name from the Selected Teachers list to the Available Teachers list.