This article applies only to students using the embedded Imagine Math Benchmarks. The information in this article does not apply to students taking the NWEA™ MAP® Growth Assessment.
Students should complete the Benchmark tests independently and without rushing through them. If they receive assistance or don't take the test seriously, their score may be inappropriate for their skill level. By extension, their pathway lessons could be too easy or too difficult for them. If you believe this is the case, you can reassign the Benchmark and have the student retake it.
Once you reassign a Benchmark to a student, the student's most recent Benchmark test score is removed and cannot be restored.
Reassigning a Benchmark test will:
- Remove the most recent Benchmark test score from any reports.
- Administer the Benchmark test to the student the next time they log in.
- Potentially modify the lessons in the student's pathway by adding or removing remediation lessons based on the new Benchmark score.
The process of reassigning Benchmarks varies slightly between Benchmark 1 and Benchmarks 2 and 3. Click on the applicable tab below to view the steps to reassign each Benchmark.
To reassign Benchmark 1:
- Log in to Imagine Math.
- In the Management section of the left navigation pane, select Benchmark Roster.
- As applicable: Use the drop-down menus at the top of the page to find the student whose Benchmark you want to reassign. You can also search for a specific student by typing their name in the Search box.
Drop-down menus for School Administrators:
An additional Classroom drop-down menu appears once you make a selection in the Teacher menu.
Drop-down menus for Teachers: - Click Reassign in the Benchmark 1 column of the applicable student. Reassignments must be performed at the individual student level.
- In the window that opens, click Reassign to confirm your action.
You'll see a message at the top of the screen saying that the Benchmark has been reassigned. It will be available for the student the next time they log in to Imagine Math (or after they finish the question they are working on if they are already logged in.)
To reassign Benchmark 2 or 3
Reassigning Benchmarks 2 and 3 is a two-part process. You must first invalidate the original test and then reassign a new one.
- Log in to Imagine Math.
- In the Management section of the left navigation pane, select Benchmark Roster.
- As applicable: Use the drop-down menus at the top of the page to find the student whose Benchmark you want to reassign. You can also search for a specific student by typing their name in the Search box.
Drop-down menus for School Administrators:
An additional Classroom drop-down menu appears once you make a selection in the Teacher menu.
Drop-down menus for Teachers: - Click Invalidate in the Benchmark 2 or Benchmark 3 column for the applicable student and test. Invalidations must be done on a student-by-student basis.
- In the window that opens, click Invalidate to confirm your action.
- You'll receive a message at the top of the screen saying that you've successfully invalidated the Benchmark Test results.
- To reassign the Benchmark, click the Eligible checkbox and then click Assign Benchmark.
Reminder: Imagine Learning strongly recommends having students complete Benchmarks at least 90 days apart to allow time for students to demonstrate growth. If you are invalidating a Benchmark and 90 days have not passed since students took the previous one, you may want to wait and come back to this step later. Students receive the Benchmark the next time they log in after you assign it, so be sure you time the reassignment appropriately.
You can reassign more than one Benchmark at a time by checking the box in the Benchmark 2 or Benchmark 3 column header and then clicking Select all (number) eligible.
In the window that opens, click Yes to confirm your action.
You'll see a message at the top of the screen saying that you've successfully assigned the Benchmark to your students. It will be available for the student the next time they log in to Imagine Math (or after they finish the question they are working on if they are already logged in.)