Imagine Math 3+ students can choose to spend their THINK Points on designing their avatars, donating to the classroom goal, or giving to charity.
To donate to the classroom goal:
- Log in to the Imagine Math student dashboard.
- Click Redeem at the top of the dashboard.
- Click Give to Your Class.
You must have at least 1,000 points in order to donate. Your teacher or administrator must also have created a classroom goal. If you don't see the Give to Your Class tab, ask your teacher to create a classroom goal.
- Use the plus sign or the slider to select how many points you wish to donate (in increments of 1,000); then click Give.
- Click YES to confirm your donation.
- Click CLOSE in the confirmation window.
- Return to the Give to Your Class tab to view the updated class progress toward the goal.
- Return to the Home tab and you'll see the updated total on the dashboard, too.