1. How long is an Imagine Math 3+ lesson?
A generic estimate is 30 to 45 minutes per lesson. However, this can vary greatly depending on whether or not the student accesses the Math Helps and Live Teacher, completes the Math journal, skips the warm-up game, and/or passes the lesson by scoring 80% or higher on the pre-quiz. Of course, the number of questions in the lesson itself is also a factor, as well as the complexity of the lesson's topic.
2. What is required in order for a student to pass a lesson?
A student must score 70% or higher on the post-quiz in order to pass a lesson. If Allow Test-Out is checked in the Pathway Options, students who score 80% or higher on the pre-quiz also receive credit for passing that lesson.
3. What is a good pass rate for students?
Overall, a student should strive to pass 30 lessons throughout the course of the year while maintaining at least a 70% pass rate on their grade-level lessons in their assigned pathway.
4. What happens if a student fails a lesson?
When a student fails a lesson, they will be prompted to complete a remediation lesson if one is available. Upon successful completion of the remediation lesson, the student will then retake the previously failed lesson. In the event that no remediation lesson was available, the student will retake the failed lesson immediately.
If a student is unable to pass the retake lesson on their second try, the lesson will appear at bottom of the pathway for a third attempt later and the student will move on to the next concept in their pathway. If a student is unable to pass the lesson on a third attempt, the lesson will not be seen again in the current pathway enrollment in order to prevent student frustration. At this point, the teacher should intervene and provide one-on-one attention to help the student understand the concept(s) with which they are struggling.
5. Why is my student skipping lessons and taking only pre-quizzes?
If Allow Test-Out is checked in the Pathway Options, Imagine Math's adaptive logic allows students to "test out" of lessons if they score 80% or higher on the pre-quiz at the beginning of the lesson. That lesson will be marked as "passed" and the student then advances to the next lesson's pre-quiz.
Students will work through all lesson activities only if they score lower than 80% on the lesson's pre-quiz. If you prefer students to NOT be permitted to test out of lessons, then you must customize and assign a pathway where the pathway options are set to turn off the Allow Test Out option. This can be done by cloning an existing pathway or creating a custom pathway.
6. Why does my student keep repeating the same lesson?
If your student failed a lesson, they will be prompted to attempt the lesson again. Please see details in question 4 above.
If you believe your student is repeating the same lesson multiple times, it's possible that they are completing lessons with similar items. A good way to check if they are repeating lessons is to view the Student Progress Report.
You should also be sure that students are logging out correctly, by going to the drop-down arrow by their avatar in the top right corner of the page and clicking Sign out. If students don't log out this way, they may have to repeat questions that they've already answered within the same lesson component.
If you still feel there is an issue, please contact Product Support at support@imaginelearning.com and include the student's username, lesson in question, and any additional information you may have. Our support team will be happy to help you troubleshoot.
7. Why are my students working on lessons I haven't already taught?
Teachers are sometimes concerned that students will encounter lessons in Imagine Math that they have not yet covered in class. Since Imagine Math is a supplemental program designed not only for remediation but also to enrich students' learning, it's not uncommon for Imagine Math to be the venue that introduces a math concept to students.
A new (to the student) math concept may be introduced as either a remediation lesson or a regular pathway lesson. Experiencing a new concept through Imagine Math helps students build background knowledge and allows the teacher the opportunity to solidify the concept when introducing it in class. You may hear students say, "I did that on Imagine Math! Now I get it!"
When students encounter concepts with which they are not yet familiar, it is more important than ever that they utilize the Math Help and Live Teacher tools as well as the Journaling resources.
8. How do I reset a student's lesson?
Due to the adaptive nature of Imagine Math pathways, students will be provided with up to 3 attempts at a lesson within their assigned pathway, so there is no need to "reset" a lesson. However, you can assign a pathway (custom or Imagine Math-created) or even re-enroll a student on their pathway if you believe they need a fresh start at the lessons.
9. How is Imagine Math content determined?
Imagine Math utilizes our internal Content Team coupled with a group of independent freelance consultants. These consultants are classroom teachers, curriculum directors, math chairs, active NCSM/NCTM members, and Dana Center affiliates, as well as other material experts. Based on our subject-matter, education, and classroom experience and expertise, we design lessons to address state standards, CCSS, teach for conceptual understanding, address misconceptions, and provide overall learning opportunities for our students.
10. Are math items static or dynamically generated?
All of Imagine Math's items are assigned an identification number and are static, allowing us to track any issues with a certain item. This means that when two different students receive the same item, they will see the same math question.
11. How do I report an issue with a specific item?
To report an issue with a specific item, please contact Imagine Learning Product Support. Please include both the item number and a brief description of the issue with the item.
12. Can I assign just one lesson for a student to re-take?
It can be daunting to attempt to assign an individual lesson for review or reteaching. Additionally, you should avoid a "drill and kill" approach where students repeatedly work through the same lesson but never pass it.
If you notice a student has failed the same lesson after several attempts, we recommend offering an alternative intervention to ensure the student has mastered the concept before re-assigning the same lesson. This can be through small-group instruction using Imagine Math's Lesson Explorer tool, the resources available in the Quantile® Hub, or through other intervention methods that you most likely already employ in your class.
After administering this intervention, if you still want to reassign the lesson, we suggest creating a short custom pathway of 4 or 5 lessons related to your current classroom topic and assigning it for review or for reteaching.
13. Can Imagine Math lessons be reordered to match my course map or class curriculum?
Imagine Math's default pathways align to state standards and are designed to reflect the flow of lessons based on general introduction to grade level concepts. Often, teachers want to use Imagine Math to review concepts already taught in the classroom or to accompany daily and weekly lessons. The best option is to start by cloning the Imagine Math pathway and re-ordering the lessons to match your class course map (or scope and sequence). Once you've cloned the pathway to realign the lessons, you will need to assign it to your students.
14. Can I create my own Imagine Math lessons?
Educators do not have the ability to add to the content or to customize the actual lessons or questions within Imagine Math. All lesson activity questions are proprietary information unique to Imagine Learning. However, as previously mentioned, you may create your own pathways with the pre-built lessons in the order in which you want them.
15. Can I print quizzes and lessons in Imagine Math?
No, the quizzes and lessons are not printable. However, many printable resources are available in the Teacher Resources section.
16. How can I conduct whole-group lessons in Imagine Math?
To conduct a whole-group lesson within Imagine Math, use the Lesson Explorer tool found under the Content tab of your educator account. This will allow you to project lessons via projector or Smartboard so that you can walk students through lessons, model to them how to work through the activities, and conduct informal assessments of specific content areas.
17. How can a student tell which part of the lesson they are working on?
Students are able to identify which lesson activity they are on via the progress bar located at the top of their screen. The yellow circle indicates the current lesson component.
18. Can the Warm Up game be turned off?
Imagine Math's Warm Up games cannot be removed from lessons, but students may skip the Warm Up game when they are in that portion of the lesson.
However, Imagine Math games provide meaningful practice, helping students build fluency and see relationships in new content. The games are designed so that success in the game is based on success with the math, not just success in mastering the game play. The games provide dynamic, in-game feedback for students plus opportunities for revision that allow students to learn and deepen math skills and understanding.
We encourage students to enjoy these games with Imagine Math's three goals in mind:
1. Activate Prior Knowledge: Relate the content to fun and interactive games.
2. Engage Students: A fun way to help hook the student into the lesson.
3. Practice Skills: A chance to complete more items, increase opportunities for points, and encourage work in the program.
19. How do I grade students for using Imagine Math?
Imagine Math is supplemental to your regular mathematics curriculum and, most often, the intent is to help address learning deficits through a differentiated and individualized pathway of lessons. We do not promote the use of actual quiz scores or average quiz scores as grades; rather, we encourage you to monitor student progress and participation with regard to your unique classroom implementation of Imagine Math.
Suggestions for grading include:
- Appropriate use of an Imagine Math Journal/Notebook
- Adherence to goals for completed/passed lessons or weekly usage