Welcome, Administrators! The steps below will guide you through the basics of setting your school or district up for a successful implementation of Imagine Math. Each link below will take you to the Help Center article for that topic. If you need more guidance, refer to the Articles in this Section portion of the right side of the screen or consult with your Imagine Learning Customer Success Manager.
Program Overview
System Requirements
Step 1
Imagine Math System Requirements -
Step 2
(for schools also using Imagine Math Facts)
Rostering and Account Management
Benchmark Assessments
Step 2
(Steps 2 - 6 apply only to Imagine Math Benchmark users) -
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
(Applies only to schools with NWEA integration)Using NWEA™ with Imagine Math 3+
Instructional Pathways
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
(Applies only to schools with NWEA integration)