The Imagine Galileo Test Builder allows Administrators and Teachers to create tests and test questions that can be administered to your students. In addition to creating custom questions, you can also add standards-aligned questions prebuilt by Imagine Galileo and/or questions from an Item Family that you or another member of your organization have created.
The test and test questions you create can be shared with other Imagine Galileo users and used on multiple tests over multiple school years. After you have built and scheduled your test, it appears on your dashboard calendar.
To create and schedule a test:
- Log in to Imagine Galileo.
- Click Assessment > Test Construction > Test Builder.
- Enter a test title and make applicable selections from the Grade and Subject drop-down lists.
- (Optional) Uncheck the Text-to-Speech Enabled box to disable the Text-to-Speech (TTS) feature.
Leave this feature enabled if you want Text-to-Speech options to appear during test scheduling so you can select which students receive the feature. TTS must be enabled for the test as a whole during test creation or you won't be able to assign the feature to individual students during scheduling.
- (Optional) Type any test instructions you want to add to the test.
- Click Save.
- Click Item Search to find prebuilt questions, or click Item Builder to create new questions from scratch. If you choose Item Search, continue to step 8. If you choose Item Builder, skip to step 9.
- The Item Search allows you to search for test items by standards, by Item Families, or by test. Once you locate an item that you want to use, select Click to add item to test. Add all your test items to your test and then continue to step 10 to publish your test.
- You can tell if an item you are adding to a test is compatible with Text-to-Speech if you see the words TTS Eligible after the test parameters.
- Not all test items have the text-to-speech feature, but some user-created items and most Imagine Galileo–created items do. An example of an item that doesn't is a graph in a math test. As you can see from the student view below, the student may hear the question read aloud but not the options.
- You can tell if an item you are adding to a test is compatible with Text-to-Speech if you see the words TTS Eligible after the test parameters.
Item Builder: Choose the question item type you would like to create, then answer the rest of the questions in the modal to finish creating each item. Tests can include multiple test types. An explanation of each item type is in the table below.
Question Type Grading Description TTS? Partial Credit? Offline Availability? Open Response (Written) Manual A written open response requires the student to type their answer in the online textbox or on the paper provided by the educator. Yes Yes Yes Open Response (Audio) Manual An audio open response requires the student to record their answer by speaking into their device's microphone. No Yes No Classifying Automatic A classifying test item requires the student to use their mouse to drag and drop data elements into the appropriate order or place. No No No Drop-down Automatic A drop-down test item requires the student to select the correct response from the interactive dropdown field. There is an unlimited number of dropdown menus within the same test item, but each menu can only have up to 10 choices. No No No Multiple-Choice Automatic Multiple-choice test items require the student to choose a single correct answer. Yes No Yes Extended Selected Response Automatic An extended selected response test item is a multiple-choice test item that can have more than one correct answer. No Yes No Selectable Text Automatic A selected text test item requires the student to select the correct response from the interactive hotspot(s). No No No Sequencing Automatic A sequencing test item requires the student to use their mouse to drag and drop data elements into the appropriate order or place. No No No Short Answer Manual A short answer test item answer requires the student to type their answer into a small textbox. Student responses can not exceed 30 characters. Yes Yes Yes - Preview your test to make sure everything is correct.
- After verifying that all your questions are correct, check the Publish Test box.
- (Optional) Click Print Offline Test for Student. A PDF copy of your test will open.
- Schedule your test.
Once a student has taken a test, it cannot be unpublished and edited.