Understanding the Imagine Galileo Test Builder and Quiz Builder

Imagine Galileo provides two types of formative assessment tools available to users: the Test Builder and the Quiz Builder. Use the table below for recommendations on when you should use the Test Builder to create and schedule tests and when you should use the Quiz Builder to create and schedule quizzes.

Assessment Description Test Builder Quiz Builder
Number of assessment Items  1-120  items Up to 10 items
Schedule for a class or for an Intervention Group
Administer online


Tests containing Technology Enhanced (TE) items must be administered online.


Due to the quiz length, it is intended to be administered online; however, it can also be
administered offline.

Administer offline
Comprised of Imagine Learning community item bank
test items
Comprised of user-created test items  
Secured test (e.g., an assessment


Available when scheduled using the Calendar page.

Randomization of test items for online test administration


Available when scheduled using the Calendar page.

Student tools (e.g., calculator, Google
Translate, test timer) during test scheduling for online testing


Available when scheduled using the Calendar page.

Post student scores in K-12 Student-Parent Center
View assessment results immediately as the students complete an online test.