An item family allows Administrators and Teachers to save text, images, or videos, that can be used to create test questions. Item families can be used to create a test, or portions of a test using the Test Builder.
To create an item family
- Log in to Imagine Galileo.
- Click Assessment > Test Construction > Item Family Builder.
- (Optional) Administrators and other District- or School-level users, use the School or Class drop-down to select the class for which you want to build an item family. Teachers skip to step 4.
- Use the Library drop-down menu to select the library that will store the applicable item family you will build.
- Click Create new item Family.
- Type the Item Family Name (or title or story). The title can be up to 100 characters long.
Avoid using “a," an," and "the” at the beginning of your text titles. This makes it easier to search for your Item Family.
Enter content into the textbox. Use the Text Editor, Math Editor, and Chemistry Editor tools as needed.
- (Optional) Place a checkmark in the Reuse on multiple tests throughout the year box. The option allows you to create an item family that can be used on multiple tests throughout the year.
- (Optional) If you created a text, you may enter applicable information into the Readability Index, Word Count, Lexile, and Genre if you have that information. Click Auto to have the word count calculated for you.
- Click:
- Save/Back to return to the previous page.
- Save to save this entry and stay on this page.
- Cancel to return to the previous page without saving any changes.