Checking which assessment option your organization is using in Imagine Language & Literacy

Administrators and Teachers can verify which placement method/assessment option their school or district is using by checking the Growth widget on the Imagine Language & Literacy Dashboard. The three options are the Imagine Language & Literacy embedded assessments, the Imagine Galileo English Language Arts (ELA) assessment, and the NWEA® MAP™ Growth assessment.


In some cases, organizations select different providers for different grade levels. In these situations, the Growth section will look slightly different than the screen shots in this article.

Imagine Language & Literacy Embedded Assessments

The embedded assessment is a native Imagine Language & Literacy assessment with two slightly different forms. The Placement Test is given to students who are brand-new to Imagine Language & Literacy, while the Benchmark Assessment is a similar assessment that is given to returning students. If your district has chosen the embedded assessments, the applicable test (Placemark or Benchmark) is given to students the first time that they log into Imagine Language & Literacy for the school year. Once they complete the test, students seamlessly begin their Imagine Language & Literacy curriculum.

Administrators and Teachers can then check student test status and view test results from within the Imagine Language & Literacy dashboard. 

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Imagine Galileo ELA Benchmarks

If your district has chosen the Imagine Galileo ELA assessment as their placement method, the test is given to students the first time that they log into Imagine Language & Literacy. Once they complete the ELA Benchmark, students begin the Imagine Language & Literacy curriculum.

After students complete the ELA assessment, Administrators and Teachers can view detailed student results (including individual student answers) by accessing Imagine Galileo through the link highlighted below in the Imagine Language & Literacy dashboard.  

NWEA MAP Growth Assessments

Imagine Language & Literacy integrates with the NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) MAP Growth assessment—a third-party assessment. If your district has chosen NWEA MAP Growth as their placement method, your district must connect their NWEA student accounts to Imagine Language & Literacy student accounts to import MAP Growth test results.  Imagine Language & Literacy then uses students' MAP Growth scores to determine where students should be placed in the curriculum. Once your NWEA and Imagine Language & Literacy accounts are connected, your students can begin their Imagine Language & Literacy lessons upon initial login. 


If your students start using Imagine Language & Literacy before their NWEA and Imagine Language & Literacy accounts are connected, students will take the Imagine Language & Literacy embedded assessment when they first log in. Once the NWEA accounts are connected, Imagine Language & Literacy will use students' MAP Growth scores to refine student placement.

After students complete the NWEA MAP Growth Assessment, Administrators and Teachers can view reports and information about student performance by logging in to the NWEA portal.