Viewing the Benchmark report in Imagine Math

The Benchmark Tests are a series of assessments administered throughout the school year that show evidence of student growth in Quantile® measure over time.

Once your students begin taking the Benchmark, Administrators and Teachers can use the Benchmark report to:

  • Monitor Benchmark completion rates (Administration section of the report)
  • Compare students' latest Benchmark results with prior Benchmark results (Growth section of the report)
  • Help predict expected student performance on state-level assessments (Growth section)
Depending on your role, the Growth section of the report initially displays at the school or class level. You can drill down into student-level information by clicking the name of a class. 

The Benchmark report data updates hourly.


Data for students who take the NWEA MAP® Growth Assessment instead of the Imagine Math Benchmark is not included in the Benchmark report. If all students use NWEA, the Benchmark report in Imagine Math will essentially be blank. View NWEA data by logging into the NWEA portal. 


From the top of the Benchmark report, you may also access the Quantile Hub resources, the Benchmark Roster (from which you can assign Benchmarks 2 and 3), and information about the Performance Levels for your state.

To view the Benchmark report:

  1. Log in to Imagine Math.
  2. In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, click Benchmark.


  3. Optional: If you have access to more than one school or classroom, use the filter(s) at the top of the page to drill down to the school, classroom, or student you'd like to view. Alternately, you can keep the report at a roll-up level by not using the filters.
  4. The report opens with two sections: Administration and Growth
  5. The Administration section shows:
    • The number of enrolled students
    • The percentage of students who haven't taken any of the Benchmarks yet
    • The percentages of students who have completed each Benchmark
      (B1 = Benchmark 1, B2 = Benchmark 2, and B3 = Benchmark 3).


    Aim for 100% completion of each Benchmark as the year progresses. The first Benchmark places students into the program and provides an initial Quantile® measure, while the subsequent Benchmarks measure growth in the students' Quantile measure. 

    Be sure to keep your rosters up-to-date. Students who are no longer at your school or in your class but still enrolled in Imagine Math can lower the percentages of students who have taken the Benchmark.

  6. In the Growth section of the report, you can choose to view results for individual Benchmark tests or to compare results between Benchmark tests. The Group by and Benchmark filters allow you to select the data that displays. The Benchmark filter defaults to Benchmark 1 to most recent; you may change it to view individual Benchmarks or any combination of the three Benchmarks. When you select more than one Benchmark, you can see students' growth in Quantile measures and changes in Performance Levels throughout the year.

    The Growth section is most beneficial when students have taken at least two Benchmarks
    .  The columns that display by default in the Growth section of the Benchmark report vary depending on whether a single Benchmark or a comparison of multiple Benchmarks is selected in the Benchmark filter. The default columns for each class or school when comparing multiple Benchmarks are listed below. Hover over most columns to access arrows to change the ascending/descending order in which the information displays. mceclip17.png

    Column Name Description
    Benchmark The title of the Benchmark — Benchmark 1, Benchmark 2, or Benchmark 3.
    Completed The number of students who completed the Benchmark.
    Performance Levels A bar showing the students' Quantile® performance levels from each Benchmark test. Each color represents a different performance level. The Proficiency marker shows the point at which students are considered proficient in relation to their state's performance levels. 


    PreK students don't receive a Performance Level because PreK is not part of the Performance Level scale. Kindergarten students may receive a Percentile Rank if they took the Benchmark Test between April–July this year. 


    Hover over the bar to see more data. You'll see the percentage of students in each category as well as the count.

    Avg Quantile® Growth The difference in the students' Quantile measure between the tests selected in the Benchmark filter. Will display N/A if the student has only taken one Benchmark.
    Avg Weekly Usage The average amount of usage per week between the Benchmark tests the student has taken, including Math Time and Lessons Completed. Usage data will only appear if the students have taken more than one Benchmark test. For the first listed Benchmark test, the Math Time and Lessons Completed will always be "N/A."
    Avg Benchmark Time In hours and minutes, the average time it took for the students to complete the Benchmark.
  7. At the class level of the report, all columns display by default; if desired, click Customize to remove data columns. You also have the options to Print the report and Export it to an .XLSX file.
  8. Click on the class name to drill down into individual student data.

    A row displays for each student. 

    When multiple Benchmarks are selected in the Benchmark filter, the columns that appear by default for each student in the student-level version of the report are:

    Column Name Description
    Benchmark The title of the Benchmark — Benchmark 1, Benchmark 2, or Benchmark 3.
    Grade Level The student's rostered (or assigned) grade level. 
    Instructional Grade Level

    For students in Grades PreK-2, the Instructional Grade Level matches the rostered grade level.

    For students in Grades 3+, the Instructional Grade Level is the student's assessed grade level based on their most recent Quantile measure from the Imagine Math Benchmark. This may be lower than, the same as, or 1 grade higher than their rostered grade level, and it indicates the level of the material that the student is ready to learn.

    MetaMetrics has provided the following table of Quantile ranges. 
    Looking at the chart above, a rostered Grade 4 student with a 530Q has an Instructional Grade Level of Grade 4. In order to be classified as Grade 5, they would need a 690Q or above. The Instructional Grade Level can never be more than 1 grade level above the student's current rostered grade. However, a student's Instructional Grade Level can be any grade level below their rostered grade. For example, if this student scored 100Q, their Instructional Grade Level would be Grade 2.

    Date Completed The date that the student finished the Benchmark.
    Performance Level Performance levels are classifications aligned with the Quantile® Framework that give insight into expected student performance on state-level assessments when students are instructed on grade-level skills and concepts. The Imagine Math performance levels are Far Below Basic, Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. Definitions of performance levels—and the Quantile® Measure ranges that comprise them—vary by state. Performance levels do not apply to Pre-K students


    Click Performance Level Guide in the top right corner of the report to view the levels for your state. mceclip7.png

    Quantile® Measure The student's Quantile measure based on their Benchmark results. The Quantile measure helps you monitor student growth over time.
    Quantile® Growth The difference in the student's Quantile measure between the tests selected in the Benchmark filter. Will display N/A if the student has only taken one Benchmark.
    Avg Weekly Usage The average amount of usage per week between the Benchmark tests the student has taken, including Math Time and Lessons Completed. Usage data will only appear if the students have taken more than one Benchmark test. For the first listed Benchmark test, the Math Time and Lessons Completed will always be "N/A."
    Benchmark Time In hours and minutes, the time it took for the student to complete the Benchmark.
  9. If desired, click Customize to add the following optional columns to the student-level Benchmark Growth report:

    Column Name Description
    Percentile Rank The student's Quantile Percentile Rank. Does not apply to students in PreK.
    NCE Rank The student's Quantile Normal Curve Equivalent Rank. Does not apply to students in PreK.
    Remaining to Proficient The quantiles remaining until the student is classified as Proficient for their state's Performance Level. Does not apply to students in PreK.


    This column is only available for states that have completed Quantile linking studies for their state test with MetaMetrics.

    Select the column(s) you wish to add and click Update Columns.
  10. Optional: Print the student-level version of the report or Export it to an Excel file.

Learn more about the Benchmark report by watching the video below.

A shorter version of the video is available by clicking HERE.