Using the student glossary in Imagine Math 3+

The student glossary provides students with mathematical terms and their definitions. Words found in the glossary are highlighted in blue when used in Imagine Math items. Students can click the word to open the glossary and and go straight to that definition. The glossary can also be launched at any time that students wish to browse the terms.  Although the glossary text displays in English, audio support for the glossary is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Haitian Creole, and Tagalog.

To open a specific term in the glossary (Imagine Math 3+ students):

  1. Click on a term underlined in blue in any Imagine Math 3+ lesson.
  2. The glossary opens to that specific term.  If desired, click the audio button to have the term and definition read aloud.mceclip9.png

To launch the glossary (Imagine Math 3+ students):

  1. Start an Imagine Math lesson. Educators can access lessons via the Lesson Explorer.
  2. In the Reference section, click glossary.
  3. The glossary opens; follow the instructions to view a specific term or browse through all available words and phrases.mceclip1.png

To change the Audio Support Language of the glossary for a student:

  1. In the Management section of the left navigation bar, click Students.
  2. Click the edit pencil to the far right of the student whose settings you wish to change.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the student account information and select the desired Glossary Audio Support Language from the drop-down menu. The written text will remain in English but the audio will play in the selected language.


  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.


  5. A confirmation appears at the top of your screen.