Teachers and Administrators arrive at the group-level dashboard after selecting a group from the Home page upon initial login to Imagine Language & Literacy.
The center portions of the dashboard provide summarized information on how your students are performing. From each widget, you can drill down to further detail.
Along the top and right side of the dashboard, you can access additional information and resources.
The sections on the dashboard are summarized in the table below.
Page Component | Description |
A. Product Selection drop-down menu |
Use this menu to toggle between other products and access the rostering tools in the Product Portal. |
B. Top navigation bar |
Links to:
C. Search bar selection |
D. Account management menu |
From here, you can find information about your account and the Imagine Learning privacy policy, change your password, and log out of the program. |
E. Reports selection menu |
One method of navigating from section to section of the educator portal. Click the arrow and then make a new selection. |
F. Print Roster button |
This button allows you to generate a PDF list of all your students, organized by class/group. |
G. Settings |
Click the arrow by the gear button to learn about the rostering tools. Selecting Quick Edit or Import Wizard both remind you to use the new rostering experience. |
H. Usage widget |
Provides an at-a-glance view of student usage the last 4 calendar weeks. There is a faint, green, dotted line running through the graph that represents your school's usage goal; ideally each dot on the chart should be on or above this line. Click the arrow in the widget's header to be taken to the Usage report. |
I. Growth widget |
For the Embedded Benchmark, this widget provides an at-a-glance view of student results from the Benchmark assessment. Use the drop-down menu to select the Test Window(s) you'd like to view. NWEA MAP users and Galileo ELA users will have a link to NWEA and Galileo, respectively. Embedded Benchmark users: Click the arrow in the widget's header to be taken to the Growth report. Note If there is a mix of assessment providers among the students in the group, the Growth widget will default to the 3rd-party provider. However, if all of the students in the group take the Embedded Assessment, then the Embedded Benchmark data will display in this widget. |
J. Progress widget |
Provides an at-a-glance view of students' overall lessons passed rate, as well as pass rates by curriculum area (Literacy, Grammar, and Oral Vocabulary). Click the arrow in the widget's header to be taken to the Progress by Lesson report to view exactly which lessons your students are working on. |
K. Data table |
On the group-level dashboard, you'll see a list of students and their accomplishments this week (Sunday through Saturday). Click on a student's name to be taken to the student-level dashboard.
L. Basic information |
The school's Site Code as well as the school year dates for your organization. |
M. Management Tools |
A reminder to access management tools in the Product Portal by clicking the Product Selection drop-down menu in the top left corner of the program. |
N. Test Settings |
On the group-level dashboard, you will only see the header that says Test Settings. Test settings can be edited by an Administrator from the organization-level dashboard. |
O. Portfolio |
Click the arrow at the top of the Portfolio section to view students' writing samples and to listen to recordings of your students reading. You're notified via a yellow highlight of the number of artifacts you haven't yet reviewed. |
P. Resources |
Links to various offline resources you can use to supplement what your students are learning in the program.
After you've navigated away from the dashboard, you can return to it at any time by selecting Dashboard from the Reports drop-down menu (item E in the table above.)
The Resource Center is also in the bottom left-hand corner of this page and all other pages within Imagine Language & Literacy. Access the Resource Center for the latest contests, curated Help Center articles, access to the Teachers' Lounge, and more. You can also contact Imagine Learning Product Support via this button.