Editing usage goals in Imagine Language & Literacy


Changes made to the usage goal update on Sunday night and will reflect in the educator dashboard and Usage report on Monday. 

If you are an Administrator, you can customize a usage goal for the amount of time each student should spend using Imagine Language & Literacy weekly.  The usage goal defaults to 100 minutes per week and displays on the Usage report, which calculates how much time students are using Imagine Language & Literacy compared to this goal.


Be sure to change the usage goal to match your organization's goals so that the report calculates based on your goals. Imagine Learning provides usage recommendations here.

District Administrators can edit the usage goal for the whole district. All schools in the district automatically inherit this goal. However, you can create custom goals for individual school(s) if needed.

School Administrators can edit the usage goal for their school.

The usage goal applies to all groups (classes) in the respective school and cannot be customized at the group or grade level.

To edit the usage goal:

  1. Log in to Imagine Language & Literacy.
  2. At the bottom of the Home page, click on the name of the organization whose usage goal you wish to change. 
  3. At the top of that organization's dashboard, click the drop-down arrow next to the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and select Usage Goal
    Usage goal.png
  4. Do one of the following:
    To create a custom goal: Click Custom and enter a time in minutes.
    To revert back to the default: Click Default.
  5. Click Save.


Changes are reflected in the educator dashboard and Usage report the Monday after they are saved.