The MyPath Assessment is a comprehensive assessment tool designed to measure students' academic strengths and growth areas in reading and math. It is typically administered multiple times during the school year, and assessment windows are specific time periods when schools can administer the MyPath Assessment to their students. These windows are designed to provide flexibility for schools while ensuring that students have ample opportunities to complete the assessments.
Customizing assessment window lengths
The default MyPath Assessment windows are scheduled as follows:
- Assessment 1: July 1 to October 31
- Assessment 2: November 1 to March 31
- Assessment 3: April 1 to June 30
District Administrators can adjust these dates to align with their specific school schedules and instructional needs.
Adding a fourth assessment window
While the default is 3 assessments per year, District Administrators can add a fourth assessment window if desired. Scenarios that may warrant an additional assessment window include:
- Not assessing all students during the first 2 windows, which are now closed. Adding another window will provide an opportunity to assess more students at least twice during the school year.
- Administering the MyPath Assessment once per quarter.
- Assessing students in year-round or summer school programs.
Key considerations when editing, removing, or adding windows
- Gaps: There cannot be gaps between assessment windows.
- Editing start dates: Only future start dates can be edited. The start dates of any closed or current windows cannot be changed.
- Editing end dates: End dates cannot be changed after a window has closed. Only the end dates of the current or future windows can be changed.
- Adding windows: There is a maximum of 4 assessment windows per year.
- Removing windows: Only the "last" window can be removed. After removing that window, you will likely want to adjust the dates for the remaining 2 windows.
- Waiting periods: The default waiting period is 45 days, but District Administrators can customize it for each window. The goal of these waiting periods is to ensure that students have sufficient time between assessments to work in the program and develop their skills. If students take an assessment late within a given window, having a short waiting period would reduce the amount of time they have to work in the program before being assessed again, which reduces the likelihood that growth will be observed.
- Expiration dates: Assessments expire after 30 days of inactivity, but actively working students can continue beyond this deadline. If a student begins an assessment during the first assessment window but it expires during the second, the student will not have any assessment data for the first window and will be prompted to restart the assessment upon their next login.