Managing student access to assessments in Imagine MyPath

Assessments must first be enabled in the organization settings, and then enabled in student settings in order for a student to take a MyPath Assessment (MPA).

To enable or disable a MyPath assessment

Log in to the Imagine MyPath suite.

School Admins (One School) School Admins (2+ Schools), District Admins

Select Users on the left navigation.
school admin left nav bar.png

Continue with the following: 

  1. Click the Students drop-down menu in the upper navigation and choose Student Roster.

    If necessary, enter the name, username, or student ID of the student in the search box at the top of your screen. Then click the search icon ( search_icon.png). 
    search box.png


    Search with as little as one letter or number. The more details you provide, the smaller the search results.

  2. Select the student.
  3. Choose Edit in the Student Settings section. 
  4. Select Math and/or Reading to enable the MPA or unselect to disable them, then click Save
    manage std assessmnt accessHL.png