Adding a MyPath Assessment window

By default, there are 3 MyPath Assessment windows, but District Administrators can add a fourth assessment window should the need arise. They can also edit or remove assessment windows. Students are prompted to take the MyPath Assessment multiple times during the year to allow their individualized learning path to adapt and give you a chance to measure their growth.

There are various scenarios that might necessitate the addition of a fourth assessment window, like if:

  • The first two assessment windows have closed but you still want to assess students a minimum of two times during the school year to measure growth.
  • You have students who started their first or second assessment, but it expired, and you would still like to assess them a second or third time to measure growth.
  • You would like to administer the MyPath Assessment once per quarter during the school year.
  • Your school operates year-round, or you have a summer school program, and you would like to administer the MyPath Assessment another time during the summer term. 

 Factors to consider when adding an assessment window

  • There is a maximum of 4 assessment windows each year.
  • There is a default 45-day waiting period from the time a student finishes an assessment to the time they can test again. For example, if a student completed an assessment on March 15th, they would not be assessed again until April 30th, at the earliest. District administrators can edit the length of the waiting period, if desired.
  • Gaps cannot exist between assessment windows, so when one assessment window closes, the next window must begin the next day.
  • An assessment window start date can only be edited if the window hasn't opened yet.
  • Once an assessment window end date has passed, the window closes and cannot be reopened.

To add a MyPath assessment window:

  1. Login in the Imagine MyPath suite.
  2. From the Districts left navigation, choose Assessments in the upper navigation, then click Assessment Scheduling.

    Districts_assmnt sched.png

  3. Select Edit next to an assessment type.

    Time Zone is available once Time Availability is set.

  4. Select the time and day for which assessments are available for students to access. One hour is the minimum length students can take an assessment. This allows restricting students from taking an assessment outside of school hours. The time of day available is based on the time zone shown on this page. View the time zone set for your organization in your organization's settings.

    mpa_time availability.png

    You must unselect All Day to select a start and end time for the selected days. Then, click Set to save the start/end times. 

    time avail_unsel all day upd.png

  5. Scroll to click Add Assessment Window.
    mpa add assmnt window.png
  6. Select the desired assessment dates, then click Save at the top right of the screen.
    District_add assmnt wind.png