Managing Imagine Galileo Intervention Groups

After you have created an Intervention Group, you can view, edit, or delete the intervention group if it is no longer needed. You can also create a new Intervention Group, create a new Composite Intervention Group, or view a list of scheduled events for each intervention group that you create.

To manage an intervention group

  1. Log in to Imagine Galileo.
  2. Click Setup > School Information > Intervention Groups from the upper navigation.

  3. Choose your specific Intervention Group Library from the Library drop-down list.


  4. A list of your Intervention Groups appears. Use the table below the Intervention Group Report to learn more about the options from the Invention Group list.


    Action Description
    Add intervention group Click to create a new Intervention Group.
    Add composite intervention group Click to create a new Composite Intervention Group. Composite Intervention groups allow you to combine multiple intervention groups.
    Create Library Click to create a new library
    Reports Click to view your Intervention Alert report
    Intervention Group Scheduled Events Click to view the scheduled intervention group events. 
    Trash can Click Delete (Trash.png) to remove the Intervention Group.


    Deleting an Intervention Group is permanent and cannot be recovered.

    Pencil Click the Pencil ( pencil.png) to edit the Intervention Group. Depending on your Imagine Galileo user access you may be able to edit the school, class, and students in the Intervention Group. You cannot edit the Intervention Group Library.
    Binoculars Click the Binoculars (binoc.png) to view the Intervention Group.
    Intervention Group

    Shows the Intervention Group name and the date it was created.

    Student Count

    Shows the total number of students assigned to the Intervention Group.

    Last Calculated

    The Last Calculated times show the time and date a composite group was created. N/A appears unless you're viewing a Composite Intervention Group. 

    Print Roster

    Click Print Roster to print an Intervention Group roster.